List three approaches to message authentication. 3.2 What is a message authentication code? 3.4 What properties must a hash function have to be useful for message authentication?


3.1 List three approaches to message authentication.
3.2 What is a message authentication code?
3.4 What properties must a hash function have to be useful for message authentication?
3.5 In the context of a hash function, what is a compression function?
3.6 What are the principal ingredients of a public-key cryptosystem?
3.7 List and briefly define three uses of a public-key cryptosystem.
3.8 What is the difference between a private key and a secret key?
3.9 What is a digital signature?

Complete your answers on a WORD Document,

A famous New York City hotel, Hotel Lux, is noted for its food as well as its luxury accommodations. Hotel Lux contracts with a famous chef, Chef Perlee, to become its head chef at $6,000 per month. The contract states that should Perlee leave the employment of Hotel Lux for any reason, he will not work as a chef for any hotel or restaurant in New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania for a period of one year. During the first six months of the contract, Hotel Lux extensively advertises Perlee as its head chef, and business at the hotel is excellent. Then a dispute arises between the hotel management and Perlee, and Perlee terminates his employment. One month later, he is hired by a famous New Jersey restaurant just across the New York state line. Hotel Lux learns of Perlee’s employment through a large advertisement in a New York City newspaper. It seeks to enjoin (prevent) Perlee from working in that restaurant as a chef for one year. Discuss how successful Hotel Lux will be in its action.

A famous New York City hotel, Hotel Lux, is noted for its food as well as its luxury accommodations. Hotel Lux contracts with a famous chef, Chef Perlee, to become its head chef at $6,000 per month. The contract states that should Perlee leave the employment of Hotel Lux for any reason, he will not work as a chef for any hotel or restaurant in New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania for a period of one year. During the first six months of the contract, Hotel Lux extensively advertises Perlee as its head chef, and business at the hotel is excellent. Then a dispute arises between the hotel management and Perlee, and Perlee terminates his employment. One month later, he is hired by a famous New Jersey restaurant just across the New York state line. Hotel Lux learns of Perlee’s employment through a large advertisement in a New York City newspaper. It seeks to enjoin (prevent) Perlee from working in that restaurant as a chef for one year. Discuss how successful Hotel Lux will be in its action.

Create a multimedia “exhibition” of 5 art works by Native artists or associated with an indigenous group; of your chosen objects, 2 must be historic and 3 should contemporary art works. Your exhibition can be created in Powerpoint, Prezi, or GoogleSlides. Please ensure that you allow everyone to view when creating a link to share. Each slide of your presentation should include photographs of the works you are “exhibiting”, and for each object there should be a label. Your labels should: Identify the art work – remember this should be in italics.

Create a multimedia “exhibition” of 5 art works by Native artists or associated with an indigenous group; of your chosen objects, 2 must be historic and 3 should contemporary art works. Your exhibition can be created in Powerpoint, Prezi, or GoogleSlides. Please ensure that you allow everyone to view when creating a link to share.
Each slide of your presentation should include photographs of the works you are “exhibiting”, and for each object there should be a label. Your labels should:
Identify the art work – remember this should be in italics.
Identify the Indigenous culture of the artist or that created the object
Point out any particular parts of the works that the viewer should pay attention to and explain why they matter.
Remember keep your label short. 3-5 sentences
To help you decide on works to include in your exhibition, below is a list of museums whose collections include objects belonging to an Indigenous culture or art works by Native artists.;jsessionid=3E2F414CFC560CE0FC851ED105E6232E

You are caring for five patients on a busy, 28-bed neurological medical-surgical unit, which recently transitioned to all electronic documentation and healthcare computerized provider order entry (CPOE). There is no longer any bedside paperwork. All of your staff members have completed the required training and you have been assigned as expert lead for any questions that may arise during your shift. The expectation is that all nurses and clinical staff will document all care delivery in the bedside computers located in each patient’s room or via the workstation on wheels (WOW). However, you have noticed a trend with experienced nurses spending extra time at the end of their shifts (30 or more minutes) documenting the nursing care provided during the shift. The expectation is that they should be documenting care delivery as soon as it is complete rather than at the end of their shifts. Answer the following questions based on the information provided: 1)Explain how you would address the concern with the delay in nursing documentation with your team. 2)Do you see the transition to all electronic documentation as having a positive or negative effect on patient-centered care?

You are caring for five patients on a busy, 28-bed neurological medical-surgical unit, which recently transitioned to all electronic documentation and healthcare computerized provider order entry (CPOE). There is no longer any bedside paperwork. All of your staff members have completed the required training and you have been assigned as expert lead for any questions that may arise during your shift. The expectation is that all nurses and clinical staff will document all care delivery in the bedside computers located in each patient’s room or via the workstation on wheels (WOW). However, you have noticed a trend with experienced nurses spending extra time at the end of their shifts (30 or more minutes) documenting the nursing care provided during the shift. The expectation is that they should be documenting care delivery as soon as it is complete rather than at the end of their shifts. Answer the following questions based on the information provided: 1)Explain how you would address the concern with the delay in nursing documentation with your team. 2)Do you see the transition to all electronic documentation as having a positive or negative effect on patient-centered care? Support your answer with evidence from the literature. 3)Explore the role of advancement in information technology and its effect in patient care. Does more technology use improve time with patients? Use at least two sources to support your response. APA FORMAT.

What type of team did the McDonalds brothers and Ray Kroc originally form? What aspects were positive, and which were negative? 2) What were the goals of the partnership? What were the team norms? Which additional team norms should have been added or updated?  3) What leadership style did Ray Kroc have? Was it effective? Why?

” The Founder | Based on a True Story – YouTube “
The Founder – Team Project Assignment
1) What type of team did the McDonalds brothers and Ray Kroc originally form? What aspects were positive, and which were negative?
2) What were the goals of the partnership? What were the team norms? Which additional team norms should have been added or updated? 
3) What leadership style did Ray Kroc have? Was it effective? Why?
4) How did Ray Kroc use power? Give three examples that support your team answer.
5) How did group emotion negatively affect the McDonalds brothers and Ray Kroc partnership? Give three examples that support your team answer.
6) Do you think “sucker aversion” drove Ray Kroc reaction to differentiate the real estate business venture from the McDonalds brothers? Explain why with concrete examples. 
7) Do you think “adaptive capacity” was an issue for the partnership. Explain why with concrete examples.

Consider family-friendly work-related policies. How would these benefit working individuals? Which do you think would be most helpful for you? What other programs could you imagine being beneficial for families. Services might include job sharing, flexible work schedules, home-based work, health promotion programs and child and elder care among others.

Answer the three questions: TEXTBOOK IS ATTACHED
1. Consider family-friendly work-related policies. How would these benefit working individuals? Which do you think would be most helpful for you?
What other programs could you imagine being beneficial for families. Services might include job sharing, flexible work schedules, home-based work, health promotion programs and child and elder care among others.
2. Of the interventions mentioned (Life-Situation, Financial Stress, Perception, Emotional Arousal & Physiological Arousal), which do you and your family (nuclear, extended, chosen) partake in and how is it beneficial? If it is not beneficial, why do you think that is?
Is there a better intervention that you wish your family engaged in? What are the factors that act as facilitators or barriers to this?
3. What might be some factors that contribute to, and factors that alleviate, occupational stress based on gender? Furthermore, reflect on the broad gender spectrum and how that might also affect this work stress. For example, a woman who identifies as such and dresses more ‘masculinely’, etc.

 The method section aims to provide sufficient detail about your research project to enable readers to replicate your study should they desire. The section is typically made up of three subsections: (1) Participants, (2) Materials, apparatus, and testing instruments, and (3) Procedure. Justify why you are using these methods. Participants subsection answers three questions: Who are your participants (demographic information), how many participants (approximate desired amount of people), and how are the participants selected for the study (random sampling; convenience sample, etc.)?

Assignment Content
Methods: The method section aims to provide sufficient detail about your research project to enable readers to replicate your study should they desire. The section is typically made up of three subsections: (1) Participants, (2) Materials, apparatus, and testing instruments, and (3) Procedure. Justify why you are using these methods.
Participants subsection answers three questions: Who are your participants (demographic information), how many participants (approximate desired amount of people), and how are the participants selected for the study (random sampling; convenience sample, etc.)? Include how any potential ethical concerns regarding your participants will be addressed.
The Materials subsection includes what assessment tools you will use in your study (e.g., survey, structured interview, observation). Also, include any additional apparatuses necessary for your study (e.g., informed consent forms, surveys, permissions, experimental materials, etc.). Please indicate whether your study is quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods.
The Procedures subsection accounts for what the participants and researchers will perform during the study and the methodology used. In other words, how will you conduct your study? Give enough information to allow a replication of your method.
End this section with a description of the statistical analysis methods you propose. Include subheadings for all sections (APA format, left aligned, bold typed).

Research a real-world company, such as Walmart, Starbucks, or Apple, that has expanded operations internationally. Write words on international supply chain management using the company that you researched as your focus. Your response should answer the following questions: What are the main elements of a global supply chain organization? What are the steps involved in producing an order and shipping it to the customer in a global environment? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of expanding operations internationally or sourcing goods internationally?

Research a real-world company, such as Walmart, Starbucks, or Apple, that has expanded operations internationally. Write words on international supply chain management using the company that you researched as your focus. Your response should answer the following questions:
What are the main elements of a global supply chain organization?
What are the steps involved in producing an order and shipping it to the customer in a global environment?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of expanding operations internationally or sourcing goods internationally?
From manufacturing to the distribution of goods on an international scale, what are the main elements of a supply chain?
What are the steps involved in producing an order and shipping it to the customer?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of international operations?
Please site 2 or more sources.

What roles do leadership, entrepreneurship, and strategy play in good principles of management? 2. What are the unique challenges of managing employees who have low self-efficacy and self- esteem? How would you deal with this situation?

1. What roles do leadership, entrepreneurship, and strategy play in good principles of management?
2. What are the unique challenges of managing employees who have low self-efficacy and self- esteem? How would you deal with this situation?
Exercise Instructions:  You are required to submit a minimum of 3-Pages (Title Page and 2 Content Pages), APA formatted paper with substantial content. Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner. The deliverable length of your posting responses must be at least 3-pages, (Title Page and 2 Content Pages) APA format.
Exercises must be the students original thoughts based on the topics from the “Open Educational Resource” (OER) Course Textbook and/or other referenced sources.  Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words.  Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.  Plagiarized submissions may result in a “0” for the submission.  
Late submissions will be deducted 5 points.
All assignment(s) derive from the OER Textbook.  For academic purposes, at least 1 APA formatted reference is required pertaining to the topic(s).

Develop and draw a network diagram of LOCAL AREA NETWORK for one Office Section only. You will be presenting only one of the LANs in the building. Draw only one LAN considering one of the offices in the main building.

BUSINESS CASE: New-Horizon Insurance Company needs your service to establish a new IT network.  Main parameters of the given case.
New-Horizon company has a four-story office building in the city. There are four offices in that building.  In each office, there will be

25 desktop computers
10 portable/laptop computers and need a wireless connection (WiFi)
One network printer for all employees in each section.
All office computers must have access to the network 

So, there are four local area networks in the building.
You should be developing and drawing network diagrams. Your name and the company name must be written on each diagram. You should label all network devices in your diagrams.
Question 1: 
Develop and draw a network diagram of LOCAL AREA NETWORK for one Office Section only. You will be presenting only one of the LANs in the building. Draw only one LAN considering one of the offices in the main building.
Question 2: 
Draw the block diagram for INTRANET to connect all LANs in the main building. All computers in the main building will be connected to each other with this network. There is one database for customer all transactions. All computers in the main building should have access to this database.  This is your Backbone Network Diagram.
Here you should represent all LANs by using a simplified LAN diagram that was covered during the virtual class. 
Question 3: 
Finally, you should be connecting all computers in the main building to the INTERNET as well.
Use  to develop/draw three network diagrams. And place them in your MS Word document and upload them.  
In your network diagram; You should write your name on the upper right section of the diagram and export it as JPEG. And insert into your answer MS Word document.
Rules and guidelines 
Follow proper guidelines 
If there is a diagram(s) then the word count is between min 100 and max 400 words.