.As you are finishing up the course, reflect on your experience. • What topic did you find the most interesting and why? • How have your ideas and perceptions changed about business law and its scope? • How will you use the information you learned in this course in your personal and professional life?

2.As you are finishing up the course, reflect on your experience. • What topic did you find the most interesting and why? • How have your ideas and perceptions changed about business law and its scope? • How will you use the information you learned in this course in your personal and professional life? In your response posts to your peers, offer additional suggestions for how the business law concepts covered in this course may be used in their personal and professional lives. To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric. Rubrics

Photo of the cathedral portal to review attached.  In this assignment you will describe and interpret a cathedral portal and will write a short interpretative assignment that addresses the following questions: How do the different parts of this portal link together into a whole, and how have the parts been visually balanced? Note the figures and their positions, details of costume, and the material of the portal. How has the artist indicated the patron saint of this church?

Photo of the cathedral portal to review attached. 
In this assignment you will describe and interpret a cathedral portal and will write a short interpretative assignment that addresses the following questions:

How do the different parts of this portal link together into a whole, and how have the parts been visually balanced?
Note the figures and their positions, details of costume, and the material of the portal.
How has the artist indicated the patron saint of this church?

look carefully and provide a description based on your own observations. You can use some terms found in the links or your readings. However, use MLA STYLE if you want to cite a source in  support of a point your are making.  minimum

Discuss the effects of heritable diseases, genetic conditions, disability, trauma, and injury  to the physical and mental health and occupational performance of the individual,  throughout the lifespan

 Provide a definition of Assistive Technology (integrate visuals, models as needed) 
? Discuss the effects of heritable diseases, genetic conditions, disability, trauma, and injury  to the physical and mental health and occupational performance of the individual,  throughout the lifespan. Revised 07/14/2020 JM
 ? Discuss integration of Assistive Technology to facilitate Home Management, Community  Integration, Special Education and Workplace participation. 
? Discuss role of the OT Practitioner to educate and consult with the client/consumer to  facilitate Home Management, Community Integration, Special Education and Workplace  participation and the OT/OTA relationship in collaborating a treatment/intervention plan. 
? Discuss the need to recognize and communicate the need to refer to specialists (both  internal and external to the profession) for consultation and intervention. 
? Through role-play, demonstrate skills of collaboration with occupational therapists and  other professionals on therapeutic interventions
 ? Demonstrate communication in a Q &A session from Supervising OT, members of the  Interdisciplinary Team and Peer reviewers).
 ? Provide research data on established Guidelines, Standards, and Regulations as related to  legal, ethical decision making and moral requirements 

Several calculators are now available that do computations in fractional form as well as in decimal form.  Some of these automatically give results in simplest terms.  If you have access to such a calculator, discuss how it might be used in teaching fractions and especially fraction computation.  If such calculators become commonplace, should we continue to teach fraction computation?

Several calculators are now available that do computations in fractional form as well as in decimal form.  Some of these automatically give results in simplest terms.  If you have access to such a calculator, discuss how it might be used in teaching fractions and especially fraction computation.  If such calculators become commonplace, should we continue to teach fraction computation?(

Analyze the effects of the historical, social, political, economic, and cultural forces onpolitics and government.

Discussion: Analyze the effects of the historical, social, political, economic, and cultural forces onpolitics and government.
For this discussion, we will consider how gerrymandering currently affects Texas politics, andhow gerrymandering has been used historically in Texas politics. Gerrymandering is a political strategyto redraw Congressional districts in a way that engineers the outcomes of elections to favor one party oranother.
Understand that the main intent of these discussions is to hold a dialogue. Kindly begin work onthis discussion well in advance of the deadline to insure that your classmates are afforded ample time torespond to your posts. Waiting until the last minute to complete this assignment will allow yourclassmates less time to interact with you and may defeat the purpose of the assignment.
To prepare for writing your discussion post and responses, follow these steps:
1. For a background to gerrymandering, reference course materials and watch this video thatpresents an overview on how legislators stay in power as a result of legislative redistricting:
2. Next, go to the Texas Tribune website that shows the new voting maps based on the 2020Census, and type in your address to view any changes between the 2010 and 2020 voting maps: 
https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2021/texas-redistricting-map/ (Links to an external site.)
    • Consider how demographic changes like race, ethnicity, or partisanship influence voting and electionoutcomes.    • Think about political motivations for making these particular changes between the 2010 and 2020maps.
3. In a concise (250-300 words) post, answer the following questions utilizing course materials,concepts, and the information above:
    • How will the demographic and geographical changes between your 2010 and 2020 voting districtchange political outcomes for elections? How does gerrymandering affect you or voters in thedistrict?
    • How do historical, social, political, economic, and cultural forces in Texas manifest in thelegislature’s and parties’ use of gerrymandering? Consider Texas’s political cultures, dominantideologies, partisanship, and social or demographic changes in this answer.
4. After you have submitted your post, respond in 100-150 words to TWO posts from your peersand offer a thoughtful response to what you have read.
    • You can respond either to fellow students’ primary post or to their response to your primary post.
    • Use course materials and concepts in your answers, too, to help you formulate your thoughts.

The Nursing Shortage How would you define the Nursing Shortage? What evidence would you give to support that definition? In your opinion, what are the major factors contributing to the Nursing Shortage? Of these, which do you believe has the greatest impact and why? As a leader, how might you employ the ANA’s Call to Action to deal with the Nursing Shortage in your place of employment?

In this Discussion Board, choose one of the topics below for your original post. Be certain to address each of the questions for that topic. In responses to your peers make certain you participate in both discussions.
Topic 1: The Nursing Shortage

How would you define the Nursing Shortage? What evidence would you give to support that definition?
In your opinion, what are the major factors contributing to the Nursing Shortage? Of these, which do you believe has the greatest impact and why?
As a leader, how might you employ the ANA’s Call to Action to deal with the Nursing Shortage in your place of employment?

 Topic 2: Staffing and Scheduling

Imagine that you are the leader of a department. Which scheduling model would you employ and why?
How would you compensate for lack of coverage in your chosen model? What impact would your model have on nursing retention and satisfaction. What impact might the scheduling model have on patient safety and satisfaction.
What are the differences in budgetary considerations in your chosen model?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references.
The post and responses are valued at 40 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

A discussion about one of the videos you watched, either for client Eddie, Ms. Clark, or Leann.  You will find a link for the videos within this week’s folder.  After viewing the video, answer the following questions on a new thread: Name the Stage of Change for this client and if not in the Action Phase, how could you motivate this client to engage treatment?

A discussion about one of the videos you watched, either for client Eddie, Ms. Clark, or Leann.  You will find a link for the videos within this week’s folder.  After viewing the video, answer the following questions on a new thread:
Name the Stage of Change for this client and if not in the Action Phase, how could you motivate this client to engage treatment?
Barsky (2006) says, “A client could be an individual, family, group, organization, or community,” (p. 117) and provides some guidelines for you to consider when making this determination.  Using these concepts of your reading, who would you define as the client?  Justify your answer with the readings/lecture and information in the video. (This reading is located in Module 3 if you want a refresher.)
As you envision this client, what resources would you use to develop an initial assessment? Who else would you want to reach out to for additional information, with client permission?
What strengths does this client (individual, family, group, organization, or community) possess that can be mobilized to gain help and healing?Ms. Clark case example: Watch this video of client Ms. Clark
Leann case example: Watch this video of client Leann 

Describe Newtonian mechanical culture and the role of Newtonian explicators.b) How did Newtonianism couple British entrepreneurs and engineers and facilitate moreinnovations in different technologies?c) describe the connection between Newtonianism and the Industrial Revolution 

    Please answer these questions in paragraph form using my included article, and outside sources. Please paraphrase instead of quotation marks. Please make it about 800 words long.   
a) Describe Newtonian mechanical culture and the role of Newtonian explicators.b) How did Newtonianism couple British entrepreneurs and engineers and facilitate moreinnovations in different technologies?c) describe the connection between Newtonianism and the Industrial Revolution 

Antitrust regulation is designed to increase competition by eliminating attempts to monopolize an industry (other than through better products or better management) as well as by attacking certain patterns of illegal conduct (i.e. price fixing and exclusionary contracts that foreclose competitor business). For this forum, discuss your belief on “tech giants” violating antitrust laws.

Antitrust regulation is designed to increase competition by eliminating attempts to monopolize an industry (other than through better products or better management) as well as by attacking certain patterns of illegal conduct (i.e. price fixing and exclusionary contracts that foreclose competitor business). For this forum, discuss your belief on “tech giants” violating antitrust laws. Do you feel Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft etc. are in violation of such antitrust regulation? 

Explain the major functions of the Federal Reserve. Discuss why the money supply curve is vertical.

Question 1 – Respond to the following in a minimum o
Explain the major functions of the Federal Reserve.
Discuss why the money supply curve is vertical.
Question 2 – Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Explain the chain of events that occurs for expansionary and contractionary monetary policy to affect the long-run equilibrium level of real gross domestic product (GDP).