Media landscape comparison of two tv shows

All writing should be related to the Tv shows : la casa de papel and Money heist from Korea. and with citation in the essay.
Subject: MediaSince the dawn of television, television formats – the overall concept and branding
for a copyrighted television show – have crossed borders and been retooled and
remade in different countries. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was not uncommon for
television broadcasters and production houses to have employees stationed in
various countries around the world looking for formats, primarily non-fiction, to buy
and redo. Over time, this has only expanded. Non-fiction formats, like XXX Got
Talent, The Voice, are still a popularly genre to buy and redo, but fiction formats, like
the highly popular and redone Israeli format – Prisoners of War which has been
remade in over 20 countries – are also in high demand. Therefore, it is highly certain
that a television format you have watched is based on a television format from
another country! Knowing that television formats do not necessarily die but they are
just remade begs the questions: How are they the same? How are they different?
For this assignment, you will be expected to watch at least the pilot episode of each
show and make reference to those episodes in your paper and your presentation. In your paper, your comparison will explore the elements of the media entertainment
landscape of the two countries.
La Casa De Papel (Spain) – Money Heist: Joint Economic Area (South Korea)
Media & Entertainment Industry Landscape:
A television production is always affected by the media entertainment landscape in
which the production company exists. Your final comparison will explore the
elements of the media entertainment landscape of the two countries, in terms of
broadcaster/production company, contextual factors, and cross-media/transmedia
How does the market competition within the television industry on the media
landscape of the two countries compare? What types of companies were involved in
the two productions and how does this affect the final product? (paper &
How do contextual factors, such as the regulation of the industry, the television
system, and the nature of the channel or broadcaster, influence the process or
resulting products? For instance, focus on how the media system and the political,
economic, or geographic circumstances of both countries could have played a role in
the format adaptation. (paper)
How do technological factors affect each individual television show? For instance,
how do factors such as internet penetration, mobile connectivity, and digital
infrastructure can shape the accessibility, distribution channels, and consumption
patterns of media content. (paper)
Is a cross-media and/or transmedia approach used in either or both countries’
productions of the formats? Reflect on what the (main) purpose of this approach
could have been, and what could explain why it was used in one country (or by one
broadcaster) but not the other. (paper)Paper Structure
Landscape – 2 page
Market Competition
Contextual Factors
(bonus) Cross/Transmedia
Conclusion – no more than ½ page
Reference List*
3 – 5 pages not including Cover Page, Table of Contents, Reference List
3. Introduction
● Briefly introduce the concept of television format adaptation.
● State the objective of the paper and what it will compare.
● Mention the two television formats you are comparing: “La Casa De Papel”
(Spain) and “Money Heist: Joint Economic Area” (South Korea).
● Provide an overview of what to expect in the following sections.
4. Culture Section
● Cultural Values & Norms:
● Detail how each show reflects its respective country’s cultural norms
and values.
● Discuss the use of cultural symbols and their significance in identifying
the country of production.
● Language:
● Describe the linguistic styles and intertextual codes used in both
● Explore cultural communication patterns, including explicit and implicit
● Analyze the use of language, taboos, and trigger words and their
cultural connotations.
● Location:
● Compare the settings of both shows and their cultural implications.
● Examine how the location influences character interactions and viewer

Evaluate the role of technology, including internet access, streaming services, and digital consumption patterns in the production and distribution of the series. Discuss how the technological landscape can shape viewing experiences and accessibility for a global audience

Evaluate the role of technology, including internet access, streaming services, and digital consumption patterns in the production and distribution of the series. Discuss how the technological landscape can shape viewing experiences and accessibility for a global audience

Evaluate and discuss an example for preparing ROM, budgetary, and definitive cost estimates for a project. Give an example of using each of the following techniques for creating a cost estimate:As an example, a ROM estimate for providing new laptops for 100 people might be $250,000. A budgetary estimate would break down the estimate to include hardware, software, detailed assumptions (e.g., whether the estimate is just for the purchase cost or for a 2–4-year project life), and so on. A definitive estimate would be much more detailed and accurate than a rough estimate or budgetary estimate and would include vendor quotes.

Evaluate and discuss an example for preparing ROM, budgetary, and definitive cost estimates for a project. Give an example of using each of the following techniques for creating a cost estimate:As an example, a ROM estimate for providing new laptops for 100 people might be $250,000. A budgetary estimate would break down the estimate to include hardware, software, detailed assumptions (e.g., whether the estimate is just for the purchase cost or for a 2–4-year project life), and so on. A definitive estimate would be much more detailed and accurate than a rough estimate or budgetary estimate and would include vendor quotes. When considering costing risks, miscalculations can lead to reductions in scope and quality.

Create a project budget using one of the project costing methods addressed in the textbook. Furthermore, briefly discuss why you selected the costing technique to develop project costing.Part 2:Create a Word document with a minimum of 4 pages following APA guidelines. Address the followingEvaluate and explain the case study project schedule and budget baselines.Evaluate and address qualitative risk analysis, and explain how to calculate risk factors, create probability and impact matrixes, and apply the top 10 risk item tracking technique to rank risks.

Part 1:Using an Excel spreadsheet, create a project budget using one of the project costing methods addressed in the textbook. Furthermore, briefly discuss why you selected the costing technique to develop project costing.Part 2:Create a Word document with a minimum of 4 pages following APA guidelines. Address the followingEvaluate and explain the case study project schedule and budget baselines.Evaluate and address qualitative risk analysis, and explain how to calculate risk factors, create probability and impact matrixes, and apply the top 10 risk item tracking technique to rank risks. Supplement written research findings by creating an appropriate risk matrix.Include a summary of assignment lessons learned (briefly reflect on unit costing and risk activities).

  This  is a common issue that people face when they retire. A good friend of  your family is about to become another year older, and she has decided  that she wants to start putting money away for her eventual retirement.  She has the following number of years till retirement and she has the  following expenditure objectives for retirement: Years until retirement                                             20 Amount to withdraw each year                                $50,000 Years to withdraw in retirement                               15 Interest rate                                                           7.5% Because  your friend is planning ahead, the first withdrawal will not take place  until one year after she retires. She wants to make equal annual  deposits into her account for her retirement fund. If  she starts making these deposits in one year and makes her last deposit  in the day she retires, what amount must she deposit annually to be  able to make the desired withdrawals at retirement?

This  is a common issue that people face when they retire. A good friend of  your family is about to become another year older, and she has decided  that she wants to start putting money away for her eventual retirement.  She has the following number of years till retirement and she has the  following expenditure objectives for retirement:
Years until retirement                                             20
Amount to withdraw each year                                $50,000
Years to withdraw in retirement                               15
Interest rate                                                           7.5%
Because  your friend is planning ahead, the first withdrawal will not take place  until one year after she retires. She wants to make equal annual  deposits into her account for her retirement fund.
If  she starts making these deposits in one year and makes her last deposit  in the day she retires, what amount must she deposit annually to be  able to make the desired withdrawals at retirement?
After  finding the solution discuss with your classmates the way it can be  solved using excel. What is the implication when problem says  “withdrawal will not take place until one year after she retires”?
Make  sure that you check the learning goals for this week before you go on  to the next one. Your preparation of the computations for this research  question would benefit greatly from having such information.
Budgeting  is an important step in managing your money and spending habits. To  create a budget you need to identify how much money you are spending.  Some expenses to keep in mind when creating a budget are rent, car  payment, fuel, auto insurance, utilities, groceries, cell phone,  personal, gym membership, entertainment, gifts, dining out, medical  expenses, etc.
When  you are creating a monthly budget, many experts say if you want to have  control of your money, you should know where every dollar is going. In  order to keep track of this, a written budget is essential. Below is one  example of a budget in Excel. This was a free template from the “Life  After College” blog. There are hundreds of free templates out there so  you should find the template that suits you the best – or create your  own Excel budget!
Please read article The ultimate retirement planning guide for 2022 published by Bryan Borzykowski (CMBC) on January 18, 2022 to get more details that could be helpful to your in preparation of this Research Discussion. 
Simple Example: Budgeting
You make $32,000 a year and want to save 10% of your income every year. How much should you put into savings every month?
You want to save $3200 a year.
You should be saving $266.67 a month or $133.33 a paycheck if you are paid biweekly
Please ensure that you are adhering to the specific instructions that have been given as a part of this query.
Be  sure to proofread carefully (Use Grammarly – the premium version! Make  sure your writing score is more than 90) and cite your sources (APA 7.0  ed).
1. Post your 500-700 word answers by Wednesday 11:55 pm to earn a maximum of 14 points.
2.  Offer at least two 300-400 word comments (replies) to posts from your  peers’ discussions by Sunday 11:55 pm to earn a maximum of 8 points each  (total 16 points)
3. The total grade on each week’s LE is 30 points. RD Rubrics 

Watch the video below.  Then, answer the following questions: Had you heard of the DASH diet before? Do you have a history of high blood pressure in your family or do you suffer from hypertension?  Even if you answer no to both, the best way to cure disease is to prevent it all together, so how can you incorporate the DASH diet in your daily eating to prevent or treat hypertension? Offer your classmates a recipe that would meet some of the goals of the DASH diet utilizing several food groups and do provide the recipe.  Make sure you also provide the resource or the link of your recipe. After you have written your post, provide feedback to 2 of your classmates. Remember to read the guidelines for writing blogs before you write your blog so you can get the best score on the assignment.  Stop Hypertension with the DASH diet

Watch the video below.  Then, answer the following questions: Had you heard of the DASH diet before? Do you have a history of high blood pressure in your family or do you suffer from hypertension?  Even if you answer no to both, the best way to cure disease is to prevent it all together, so how can you incorporate the DASH diet in your daily eating to prevent or treat hypertension? Offer your classmates a recipe that would meet some of the goals of the DASH diet utilizing several food groups and do provide the recipe.  Make sure you also provide the resource or the link of your recipe. After you have written your post, provide feedback to 2 of your classmates. Remember to read the guidelines for writing blogs before you write your blog so you can get the best score on the assignment. 
Stop Hypertension with the DASH diet

INTRUCTIONS:  Give your blog a title that the reader cannot resist.
2. Start with an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.
3. Answer the questions, share your experience and deliver advise.
4. Close with a Motivational Bang
5. Polish your paper: Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation, justify your margins, double space, use a standard font like Arial or Times New Roman #12.
6. Cite information, provide a reference using APA style. Remember to reference the video the blog is based on and your book, if you use it.
7. It is a Blog so writing is expected.  Don’t just add a link with one sentence; this is not blogging.
8. Do not use bullets or numbers.  Make sure your blog has an introduction, at least 3 supporting paragraphs and a conclusion that renders advise to the reader.
*Papers without references will automatically receive a grade of a D.
Do your best!

You will apply the balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic planning and management tool to align business activities to the vision and strategy of your organization. The BSC is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. There are four scorecard factors: financial results, customers, human resources, and sustainability. For every scorecard factor you will provide the following: What is the Critical Success Factor (This is the company’s goals in this area) What is the rationale? (This is why success is important) What are the Key Performance Indicators? (These are the metrics used to measure success)

Balanced Scorecard Analysis-FEDEX
You will apply the balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic planning and management tool to align business activities to the vision and strategy of your organization. The BSC is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals.
There are four scorecard factors: financial results, customers, human resources, and sustainability. For every scorecard factor you will provide the following:

What is the Critical Success Factor (This is the company’s goals in this area)
What is the rationale? (This is why success is important)
What are the Key Performance Indicators? (These are the metrics used to measure success)
Who is responsible? (This is the responsible functional position title in the organization)

I suggest for you to answer the questions by first stating the question and then completing it with your analysis content. For example:

Financial Results Section:

The critical success factor for my organization in the financial area is…
The rationale for this critical success factor is …
The key performance indicators to measure success of the key success factors are…
The V.P. Finance is responsible for…

Apply the Balanced Scorecard analysis for your organization including descriptive text addressing each BSC factor analysis as outlined:

Financial Results

Success factors
Key Performance Indicators
Responsible Entity


Success factors
Key Performance Indicators
Responsible Entity

Human Resources

Success factors
Key Performance Indicators
Responsible Entity


Success factors
Key Performance Indicators
Responsible Entity

You can also copy/paste, and complete the chart below:
For-Profit OrganizationFinancial ResultsCustomersHuman ResourcesSustainabilityCritical Success Factor    Rationale    Key Performance Indicator    Who is Responsible    
The Balanced Scorecard Analysis Assignment

Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing CenterLinks to an external site..
Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Analyze the current IRS rules related to capital gains and losses on the sale of real property. Based on your analysis, take a position as to whether you believe the current rules are fair to individual taxpayers. Recommend at least two changes that would make the rules fairer for individual taxpayers.

Review the Capital Gains and Losses information in the?Tax Guide 2020 Publication 17 [PDF] located on the IRS website.

Analyze the current IRS rules related to capital gains and losses on the sale of real property. Based on your analysis, take a position as to whether you believe the current rules are fair to individual taxpayers. Recommend at least two changes that would make the rules fairer for individual taxpayers.
Support your recommendation with examples of such changes and provide support for your recommendations

What aspects of the conflict resolution model appeal most to you? Explain why.What is the difference between criticism and coaching feedback?

Discussion Question:
What is the difference between criticism and coaching feedback?
You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing. Must be at least
Discussion Question:
What aspects of the conflict resolution model appeal most to you? Explain why.What is the difference between criticism and coaching feedback?
You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing. Must be at least

Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle (2016); and Kim et al. (2016) provided in the Resources. Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare. Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements, such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery. To Complete: Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.

To Prepare:

Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle (2016); and Kim et al. (2016) provided in the Resources.
Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare.
Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements, such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery.

To Complete:
Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.
Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of:

Patient experience
Population health
Work life of healthcare providers