Discuss the seven domains of trauma-sensitive schools. Ask and list which two or three domains their school demonstrates, with one example for each mentioned. They need to explicitly state how the example is a demonstration of the principle identified. What types of traumatic events have the school experience? Ask how does the school specifically respond to students who present with trauma? Is there a set step-by-step method of interaction?  Is there a particular person who is trauma-trained that works with these students? Are there set places for them to meet that are trauma-friendly?

 demonstrate knowledge regarding trauma and the trauma-informed care model and gather and disseminate community resources for working with trauma across disciplines.
Seven-Domains-of-Trauma-Informed-Care-for-Trauma-Senstive-Schools.pdfDownload Seven-Domains-of-Trauma-Informed-Care-for-Trauma-Senstive-Schools.pdf
Part 2: Based on the Seven Domains of Trauma Sensitive Schools reading, students will speak with/make one up a school counselor, teacher, or principal regarding the Seven Domains of Trauma Sensitive Schools

Discuss the seven domains of trauma-sensitive schools. Ask and list which two or three domains their school demonstrates, with one example for each mentioned. They need to explicitly state how the example is a demonstration of the principle identified.
What types of traumatic events have the school experience? Ask how does the school specifically respond to students who present with trauma? Is there a set step-by-step method of interaction?  Is there a particular person who is trauma-trained that works with these students? Are there set places for them to meet that are trauma-friendly? develop a minimum of two additional trauma-related questions. 
Ask if there is a list of the services their school offers to students with trauma. In addition to the services provided, ask if there is a list of additional agencies or service providers that they collaborate with when working with trauma-involved students. You will record the names of the agencies and research the agency’s contact information (phone numbers, locations, services hours, services provided, etc…) Then, add at least three additional agencies to the list based on their response to “B.”  This section will add to your overall clinical toolbox.
Submit a summary of the interview including the list of trauma questions asked and their responses for bullet “B.”

 Michael is a BCBA that has worked with a family for over (5) years. Recently, his learner has entered adolescence and he has started to exhibit behaviors best categorized as “hyperactivity”. The family read about Omega-3 supplements and started an aggressive, but medically safe dosage schedule. This regimen requires the vitamin be given after school at the clinic. The clinic currently has a medication administration protocol, but Michael is concerned with the BACB code and non-supported interventions. Should Michael provide the supplement? 

 Michael is a BCBA that has worked with a family for over (5) years. Recently, his learner has entered adolescence and he has started to exhibit behaviors best categorized as “hyperactivity”. The family read about Omega-3 supplements and started an aggressive, but medically safe dosage schedule. This regimen requires the vitamin be given after school at the clinic. The clinic currently has a medication administration protocol, but Michael is concerned with the BACB code and non-supported interventions. Should Michael provide the supplement? 
Check for AI and plagiarim
Must follow discussion Rubiric

In 1-2 paragraphs (3-5 sentences each) please tell me what career you plan to pursue and how the Baby Boomer generation will impact the profession you are choosing. You can discuss the everyday practice, the career field in general or any aspect you feel is important. Please don’t say they won’t impact it because they are too large a group with specific needs not to have an effect on just about everything in today’s society. What is it the kids say?

Way back at the beginning of this class we talked about the Baby Boomers… those belonging to the large generation born between 1946 and 1964 who are now aging and having a great impact on the healthcare system, shaping careers, opportunities and the way we provide care.  As we are nearing the end of the class and have seen a number of career options, hopefully you have a good idea of your final career choice! 
In 1-2 paragraphs (3-5 sentences each) please tell me what career you plan to pursue and how the Baby Boomer generation will impact the profession you are choosing. You can discuss the everyday practice, the career field in general or any aspect you feel is important.
Please don’t say they won’t impact it because they are too large a group with specific needs not to have an effect on just about everything in today’s society.
What is it the kids say?  “OK Boomer” case in point!

Reflection on finding a therapist to interview (ethics questions) · Challenges I faced. · How hard it was to find someone available. · Lastly, how I was able to ask my professor who is a mental health licensed therapist, and she’s willing to help. I asked her during class in a private chat of course, if she’s willing to help me by letting me interview her regarding a few ethics’ questions and she said she’ll be more than happy to; to just email her so we can schedule the date and time. I’m planning to tackle this by the end of next week.


Reflection on finding a therapist to interview (ethics questions)
· Challenges I faced.
· How hard it was to find someone available.
· Lastly, how I was able to ask my professor who is a mental health licensed therapist, and she’s willing to help. I asked her during class in a private chat of course, if she’s willing to help me by letting me interview her regarding a few ethics’ questions and she said she’ll be more than happy to; to just email her so we can schedule the date and time. I’m planning to tackle this by the end of next week.

What is the definition of ;Human Resource Management (HRM)? 2. What is a code of ethics? Why is it important for an organization to have a code of ethics? 3. What are the four (4) main steps within the staffing function? Remember, “Staffing involves the entire hiring process from posting a job to negotiating a salary package.” Please identify each step in BOLD font. 4. Compensation includes anything the employee receives for his or her work. What are eight (8) types of employee compensation? Please identify each type in BOLD font.

When necessary, include American Psychological Association (APA) formatted in-text citation(s) and reference(s) in order to supplement information discussed within this assignment’s submission.
Be sure to include BOTH the questions and answers in your MS Word document. Please provide space between each question and answer. Also, remember to include an APA formatted Title page and References page with your assignment submission.
Please review “Supporting Materials” (i.e., MS Word document file titled “American Psychological Association _APA_ format information) included with this assignment’s instructions in order to review APA format for presenting each of the assigned reading’s reference and in-text citation.
Assignments typed in the comment box
will not be graded and will receive an automatic 10% deduction once correctly submitted as an MS Word document.

Questions 1-10 are presented below (i.e., review next page within MS Word document).
Please respond to the following questions:

1. What is the definition of “Human Resource Management (HRM)?”
2. What is a code of ethics? Why is it important for an organization to have a code of ethics?
3. What are the four (4) main steps within the staffing function? Remember, “Staffing involves the entire hiring process from posting a job to negotiating a salary package.” Please identify each step in BOLD font.
4. Compensation includes anything the employee receives for his or her work. What are eight (8) types of employee compensation? Please identify each type in BOLD font.
5. What are the four (4) reasons ninety percent (i.e., 90%) of employees leave a company? Please identify each reason in BOLD font.
6. What are two (2) ethical perils (liabilities) of job announcements? Please identify each peril in BOLD font.
7. What are the two (2) factors that usually weigh heavily in deciding which questions should and should not be asked during an applicant’s interview?
8. What are the three (3) considerations a Human Resource Management (HRM) professional should address during an employee’s review for promotion within an organization? What do you believe is the most important consideration an HRM professional should contemplate during the employment promotion process?
9. What does “at-will employment” refer to?
10. What does “just cause firing” refer to?
Submit this MS Word document file to the Assignment titled – “Your Last Name Week 5 Assignment.” For example, the MS Word document would be titled: Baldwin Week 5 Assignment. Remember to include an APA formatted Title page and References page with your submission. Information regarding American Psychological Association (APA) format is presented
here. Also, a suggestion – visit the APUS Library to review Writing@APUS.
Avoid typing your entire assignment in the text box provided within each assignment.

The text argues that improvement in prison conditions would help reduce the probability of reoffending after inmates leave prison. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer

The text argues that improvement in prison conditions would help reduce the probability of reoffending after inmates leave prison. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer.Remember to follow the discussion guidelines:
Discussion Guidelines:
Your initial discussion forum posting must be a minimum ofand include a minimum of three in-text citations. You must list your reference source at the end of your posting. If you do not list reference(s), you will not receive full credit for your posting.  You must have a credible reference with the initial post.

In reading the case study for Unit 6, I assessed Dr. Kim’s behavior by noting he may not be comfortable with physical touch with his clients, let alone a new client. In addition, because Dr. Kim has been practicing for so long, it may be a boundary issue for him. “(There was increased recognition that some boundary crossings, such as therapist self-disclosure and nonsexual touch, can be clinically valuable. Topics such as appropriate therapeutic boundaries, potential conflicts of interest, and ethical and effective ways of managing multiple relationships were addressed in some ethics codes (Corey, 2019).” Nowhere in the code of ethics states that you cannot hug your client. “None of the ethics boards that regulate mental health professionals specifically prohibit the use of touch or view it as unethical. There are times when your therapist may believe that it’s more harmful to you not to initiate a hug. In some cases, nonsexual, therapeutic touch may be beneficial (Karin et al., 2021).” I think a potential ethical issue could be that the client starts to like the therapist, or the client could misinterpret the hug the wrong way and report the therapist, although the client wanted a hug.  Question: Do you think this case study has a lot to do with boundaries? 

1.  #Based on the information this case study provided, Dr. Kim’s behavior of allowing hugs from his client raises potential ethical concerns. Maintaining appropriate professional boundaries is crucial in the therapeutic relationship, as it helps establish a safe and secure environment for the client. 
Establishing clear boundaries serves the therapist and the client, as it helps to create an unambiguous set of ground rules upon which to build trust and guide the behavior of both the client and therapist. The thoughtful communication of boundaries can also convey the therapist’s commitment to act in the client’s best interest and assurance that they will not intentionally harm the client (Barnett, 2017).
By allowing hugs, Dr. Kim might be blurring the lines between a professional and personal relationship, which can create confusion and undermine the therapeutic process. It’s important for therapists to uphold ethical guidelines that prioritize the well-being and autonomy of their clients.
In this case, Dr. Kim’s discomfort over time indicates that he recognizes the potential issue with the repeated requests for hugs. Seeking supervision from a more experienced therapist demonstrates a responsible and ethical approach to address the situation. Supervision allows therapists to gain insights, feedback, and guidance from their peers or senior professionals, helping them navigate challenging cases effectively while prioritizing the best interests of their clients.
Question for the class: How might breaches in professional boundaries impact not only the therapeutic relationship but also the overall well-being and progress of the client?
2# In reading the case study for Unit 6, I assessed Dr. Kim’s behavior by noting he may not be comfortable with physical touch with his clients, let alone a new client. In addition, because Dr. Kim has been practicing for so long, it may be a boundary issue for him. “(There was increased recognition that some boundary crossings, such as therapist self-disclosure and nonsexual touch, can be clinically valuable. Topics such as appropriate therapeutic boundaries, potential conflicts of interest, and ethical and effective ways of managing multiple relationships were addressed in some ethics codes (Corey, 2019).” Nowhere in the code of ethics states that you cannot hug your client. “None of the ethics boards that regulate mental health professionals specifically prohibit the use of touch or view it as unethical. There are times when your therapist may believe that it’s more harmful to you not to initiate a hug. In some cases, nonsexual, therapeutic touch may be beneficial (Karin et al., 2021).” I think a potential ethical issue could be that the client starts to like the therapist, or the client could misinterpret the hug the wrong way and report the therapist, although the client wanted a hug. 
Question: Do you think this case study has a lot to do with boundaries? 

Times for a surgical procedure are normally distributed. There are two methods. Method A has a mean of 28 minutes and a standard deviation of 2 minutes, while method B has a mean of 32 minutes and a standard deviation of 1.0 minutes.    (A)Which procedure is preferred if the procedure must be   completed within 30 minutes?    (B)Which procedure is preferred if the procedure must be     completed within 34.0 minutes?

Times for a surgical procedure are normally distributed. There are two methods. Method A has a mean of 28 minutes and a standard deviation of 2 minutes, while method B has a mean of 32 minutes and a standard deviation of 1.0 minutes.
(A)Which procedure is preferred if the procedure must be   completed within 30 minutes?
(B)Which procedure is preferred if the procedure must be     completed within 34.0 minutes?
Which procedure is preferred if the procedure must be       completed within 31 minutes?

Identify one theoretical model that you think is most useful in describing and explaining cities.  Compare and contrast it with one of the other models discussed in the in this course and discuss its strengths and shortcomings.

Identify one theoretical model that you think is most useful in describing and explaining cities.  Compare and contrast it with one of the other models discussed in the in this course and discuss its strengths and shortcomings.


Who are the key constituents participating in municipal governments? What challenges do they create for NYC? What are the key financial/performance indicators you would consider in viewing the performance of the City of NY for Moody’s municipal bond ratings? How has the City performed on these dimensions? What concerns, if any, do you have about its recent performance?

After reading the case in the pdf.
Answer the questions below in a word document in less than 3 pages (double spaced), with Calibri font, and with 1 inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right).

Who are the key constituents participating in municipal governments? What challenges do they create for NYC?
What are the key financial/performance indicators you would consider in viewing the performance of the City of NY for Moody’s municipal bond ratings?
How has the City performed on these dimensions?
What concerns, if any, do you have about its recent performance?
Given your analysis in question 1, what is your assessment of the reasonableness of the assumptions underlying the city’s projections made in its 4-year plan?