Find a  scholarly research article (No blogs, commercial websites, online  non-academic organizational materials, news articles, or popular  magazines, allowed — the APUS online library is a good place to look!)  on the topic of children/adolescent violence and the media. Does playing  violent video games and watching violent TV/movies cause an increase in  violence with this population? 

Find a  scholarly research article (No blogs, commercial websites, online  non-academic organizational materials, news articles, or popular  magazines, allowed — the APUS online library is a good place to look!)  on the topic of children/adolescent violence and the media. Does playing  violent video games and watching violent TV/movies cause an increase in  violence with this population? 
Please be sure that the article that you choose details an actual research study and is not a general information article. 

 Criminal justice Some things are caused by other things. Talking about cause and effect and with respect to nomothetic explanation, what are the three specific criteria or conditions for causality? In order words, what conditions must exist before you can conclude that A “causes” B? Please discuss each of the three criterion in detail. Distinguish between necessary and sufficient causes. What do you understand by    “Reductionism” and “Correlation”?

 Criminal justice
Some things are caused by other things. Talking about cause and effect and with respect to nomothetic explanation, what are the three specific criteria or conditions for causality? In order words, what conditions must exist before you can conclude that A “causes” B? Please discuss each of the three criterion in detail.
Distinguish between necessary and sufficient causes. What do you understand by    “Reductionism” and “Correlation”?

Discuss the global barriers hindering the advancement of women. How can a female global leader get past these barriers? What steps can be taken to minimize negative aspects women may encounter when working on a foreign assignment?  How have some companies assisted in breaking down barriers impeding a woman’s progress? What else can be done? What future trends are likely to occur regarding gender differences in the global workplace? 

Ba 2410 mod 3 db | Economics homework help



Discuss the global barriers hindering the advancement of women.
How can a female global leader get past these barriers?
What steps can be taken to minimize negative aspects women may encounter when working on a foreign assignment? 
How have some companies assisted in breaking down barriers impeding a woman’s progress?
What else can be done?
What future trends are likely to occur regarding gender differences in the global workplace? 

What role do the following play in contemporary American society? Traditional news media Social media What do you think the news media’s responsibility is in providing accurate information to the public? Are social media platforms responsible for ensuring the content their users share is accurate and factual? Why or why not? 

Social media platforms and other technology have revolutionized how we communicate with one another and how news is delivered. Unfortunately, social media platforms, and even some news outlets, contain misinformation. In this assignment, you will investigate the role of social media in American news media. You will also reflect on these organizations’ responsibility to provide accurate information. 
ord in which you answer the following:

What role do the following play in contemporary American society?
Traditional news media
Social media
What do you think the news media’s responsibility is in providing accurate information to the public?
Are social media platforms responsible for ensuring the content their users share is accurate and factual? Why or why not? 

  Create a (500 t) that explains how figurative language can be used in different cultural contexts. For example, we use a lot of metaphors in the United States. Do other cultures do this? Review the Grammarly Blog article from the Module 3 Lesson, “Figurative Language Examples: How to Use These 5 Common Types” by Matt Ellis (also linked below). Select three of the following types of figurative language covered in the article: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and allusion.  Explain how each is used in the United States and in another culture. Discuss how a person from a different culture might respond to the use of each type of figurative language you selected.  

Comm 1250 mod 3 figurative language | Applied Sciences homework help



Create a (500 t) that explains how figurative language can be used in different cultural contexts. For example, we use a lot of metaphors in the United States. Do other cultures do this?

Review the Grammarly Blog article from the Module 3 Lesson, “Figurative Language Examples: How to Use These 5 Common Types” by Matt Ellis (also linked below).
Select three of the following types of figurative language covered in the article: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and allusion. 
Explain how each is used in the United States and in another culture.
Discuss how a person from a different culture might respond to the use of each type of figurative language you selected.  

Imagine in your role as supervisor that you are working with a supervisee who is very stressed with work and personal issues and the stress is creating barriers to performance and learning, as well as impacting services to clients. Considering the teachings from Kadushin and Harkness in Chapter 6 (linked in Resources), how might you address these issues in supervision? Propose several steps in working with your supervisee. What you might say and how might you follow up? What would be the most important issues and how would you address them in supervision? 

Imagine in your role as supervisor that you are working with a supervisee who is very stressed with work and personal issues and the stress is creating barriers to performance and learning, as well as impacting services to clients. Considering the teachings from Kadushin and Harkness in Chapter 6 (linked in Resources), how might you address these issues in supervision? Propose several steps in working with your supervisee. What you might say and how might you follow up? What would be the most important issues and how would you address them in supervision? Cite the text and additional resources to support your proposal.

Choose a nursing topic or concept: Select one of the following nursing topics or concepts: patient safety, medication administration, or nursing ethics. 2. Identify a technology tool: Choose a technology tool that can be used to support learning and engagement with the selected topic. Some examples of technology tools are virtual patient simulations, online case studies, interactive videos, mobile applications, and gamification platforms. 3. Design a technology-based learning activity: Develop a technology-based learning activity incorporating the selected tool and supporting student learning of the topic or concept. The learning activity should be designed to meet the needs of the target audience and be aligned with the learning objectives.

1. Choose a nursing topic or concept: Select one of the following nursing topics or concepts: patient safety, medication administration, or nursing ethics.
2. Identify a technology tool: Choose a technology tool that can be used to support learning and engagement with the selected topic. Some examples of technology tools are virtual patient simulations, online case studies, interactive videos, mobile applications, and gamification platforms.
3. Design a technology-based learning activity: Develop a technology-based learning activity incorporating the selected tool and supporting student learning of the topic or concept. The learning activity should be designed to meet the needs of the target audience and be aligned with the learning objectives.
4. Create a plan for implementing the learning activity: Create a detailed plan for implementing the learning activity. This should include information on how the technology tool will be used, how it will be integrated into the curriculum, and how the activity will be evaluated.
5. Assess the effectiveness of the learning activity: Evaluate the effectiveness of the learning activity using appropriate assessment methods. Some examples of assessment methods are pre- and post-tests, surveys, focus groups, and rubrics. The results of the evaluation can be used to improve the learning activity and inform future technology-based learning activities.
6. Submit the completed activity: Submit the completed activity, including the nursing topic or concept, the selected technology tool, the technology-based learning activity, the plan for implementing the activity, and the assessment of its effectiveness. Be sure to include any necessary materials, such as screenshots of the technology tool, handouts, or instructional videos.

 Aida, a hospital counselor, has been called to the emergency room where Mary, an elderly woman, has arrived accompanied by her granddaughter, Amanda. Staff are concerned because Mary seems fearful of Amanda and because Amanda seems to want to control the entire situation.The Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection law identifies certain types of elderly people as being less able to protect or advocate for themselves and social work professionals find that elders with those characteristics are, indeed, at higher risk of abuse and neglect. If you were Aida, what would you want to know about Mary to determine whether she is at increased risk of abuse?

 Aida, a hospital counselor, has been called to the emergency room where Mary, an elderly woman, has arrived accompanied by her granddaughter, Amanda. Staff are concerned because Mary seems fearful of Amanda and because Amanda seems to want to control the entire situation.The Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection law identifies certain types of elderly people as being less able to protect or advocate for themselves and social work professionals find that elders with those characteristics are, indeed, at higher risk of abuse and neglect.

If you were Aida, what would you want to know about Mary to determine whether she is at increased risk of abuse?
At present, most responses to elder abuse and neglect occur after the fact, and little is done to prevent it. Suppose you are a hospital counselor working with Aida and your team has the opportunity to develop a program designed to prevent elder abuse and neglect. What would you do?

Choose one of the global health care issues listed below. Consider choosing an issue that is of interest or relevance to your career. Choose a country to study, which has identified one of the issues below as a central problem facing its population. Be sure that you have reasonable access to this country’s health care information. Consult your textbook, the Capella library, and the Internet to analyze the ways your chosen country delivers health care to its population.

Note: The country and health care issue you choose for this assignment will form the basis of each of the three assignments in this course.
Complete the following:

Choose one of the global health care issues listed below. Consider choosing an issue that is of interest or relevance to your career.
Choose a country to study, which has identified one of the issues below as a central problem facing its population. Be sure that you have reasonable access to this country’s health care information.
Consult your textbook, the Capella library, and the Internet to analyze the ways your chosen country delivers health care to its population.

Global Health Care Issues
Following are the global health care issues:

Infant and children’s mortality.
Mental health.
Substance abuse.
Infectious diseases (cholera, AIDS, malaria, flu, et cetera).
Noninfectious diseases (cardiovascular, stroke, diabetes, et cetera).
Maternal and reproductive Health.
Domestic violence.

Write a 4–5-page examination of your chosen heath care issue within the context or your chosen country. Select one of the following areas to examine:

Affordability and funding.
Patient access and equity.
Education programs.
Prevention programs.
Service provisioning (delivery).
Health care work force.
Monitoring of the disease.

Complete the following in reference to your chosen areas:

Summarize the needs health care consumers associated with the issue.
Identify the funding amounts and sources dedicated to this issue in the country.
Analyze governmental approaches to address the issue.
Discuss the gaps between the needs of consumers and services offered by the government.
Describe briefly other providers (private or nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that support, augment, or substitute government efforts.

Additional Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Number of resources: Use a minimum of three resources.
Length: 4–5 double-spaced pages, not including the references page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Portfolio Prompt: You are required to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.
View RubricWeek 3 Assignment – Health Care Delivery in a CountryWeek 3 Assignment – Health Care Delivery in a CountryCriteriaRatingsPtsDescribe the needs of consumers associated with a health care issue.view longer description32 to >27.2 ptsDISTINGUISHEDDescribes the needs of consumers associated with a health care issue and supports it with citations from scholarly or professional sources, or real-world examples.27.2 to >22.4 ptsPROFICIENTDescribes the needs of consumers associated with a health care issue.22.4 to >0 ptsBASICMisidentifies or merely lists the needs of consumers associated with a health care issue.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not list the needs of consumers associated with a health care issue./ 32 ptsIdentify funding amounts and sources dedicated to a health care issue within a country.view longer description32 to >27.2 ptsDISTINGUISHEDIdentifies funding amounts and sources dedicated to a health care issue within a country in a way that accurately depicts the vast majority of funding available.27.2 to >22.4 ptsPROFICIENTIdentifies funding amounts and sources dedicated to a health care issue within a country.22.4 to >0 ptsBASICIdentifies funding amounts and sources dedicated to a health care issue within a country with some errors or omissions.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not identify funding amounts and sources dedicated to a health care issue within a country./ 32 ptsAnalyze governmental approaches to address a health care issue.view longer description34 to >28.9 ptsDISTINGUISHEDAnalyzes multiple governmental approaches to address a health care issue with support from appropriate sources.28.9 to >23.8 ptsPROFICIENTAnalyzes governmental approaches to address a health care issue.23.8 to >0 ptsBASICDescribes governmental approaches to address a health care issue.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not list governmental approaches to address a health care issue./ 34 ptsDiscuss the gaps between the needs of consumers and services offered by the government.view longer description34 to >28.9 ptsDISTINGUISHEDDiscusses the gaps between the needs of consumers and services offered by the government and clearly exposes opportunities for program improvement in services, access, education, or prevention.28.9 to >23.8 ptsPROFICIENTDiscusses the gaps between the needs of consumers and services offered by the government.23.8 to >0 ptsBASICOmits discussion of significant gaps between the needs of consumers and services offered by government or merely lists the gaps.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not list gaps between the needs of consumers and services offered by the government./ 34 ptsDifferentiate the services of private and nongovernmental providers from those of governmental entities.view longer description34 to >28.9 ptsDISTINGUISHEDDifferentiates the services of private and nongovernmental providers from those of governmental entities, citing specific examples with support from scholarly or professional sources.28.9 to >23.8 ptsPROFICIENTDifferentiates the services of private and nongovernmental providers from those of governmental entities.23.8 to >0 ptsBASICLists the services of private and nongovernmental providers and governmental entities, but does not differentiate them.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEDoes not list the services of private and nongovernmental providers and governmental entities./ 34 ptsWrite coherently to support a central idea in an appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.view longer description34 to >28.9 ptsDISTINGUISHEDWrites coherently to support a central idea, and creates a document that is free of grammatical errors and exhibits clarity, meaning, and ideas that are consistently logical and succinct.28.9 to >23.8 ptsPROFICIENTWrites coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.23.8 to >0 ptsBASICWrites in a manner that somewhat supports a central idea, has inconsistent format, and contains major errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics.0 ptsNON_PERFORMANCEWrites in a manner that does not support a central idea, has an inappropriate format, and has incorrect grammar, usage, and mechanics./ 34 ptsTotal Points: 0 

Explain decisions that the company has made under certainty using primary and secondary data. Explain any risky and uncertain decisions that the company plans to address in the next fiscal year. 

Assignment Details
For this last project, your chief executive officer (CEO) has asked you to present the company’s process on making decisions under risks and uncertainty at the annual shareholders’ meeting. 
Help with this Unit 5 project is in Chapters 15 of Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy.
The presentation on the process on making decisions under risks and uncertainty will cover the following points:

Two slides: Explain decisions that the company has made under certainty using primary and secondary data. Explain any risky and uncertain decisions that the company plans to address in the next fiscal year. 
Two slides: Explain any risky and uncertain decisions that the company plans to address in the next fiscal year. 
Three slides: Discuss how risks can be measured. 
Three slides: Explain the rules that can help managers make decisions under uncertainty. 
Three slides: Explain the expected utility. 
Two slides: Discuss why management may use the maximin rule.

Deliverable Requirements: Your presentation on the process on making decisions under risks and uncertainty is 15 slides in length (excluding title and reference slides). It would help if you used the Notes sections with academic citations supporting your decisions and analysis. A variety of academic sources is encouraged. Be sure to cite sources using the APA style, including references and in-text citations.You will now insert the 15 slides from the Unit 5 assignment into your economic analysis presentation. The final presentation should have at least 75 slides (15 slides/per unit = 75 slides total) as an accumulation of all the slides from previous units. Limit the text on each slide, and use visuals to help engage your audience. The Notes section and APA-formatted references must be included within your presentation 
Instructions for your economic analysis presentation are as follows: 
Combine Part 1–5 to flow coherently in one 75-page-PowerPoint presentation. 

Unit 1: You completed the Market Structure and Competitive Environment and Elasticity Analysis presentation (15 slides in length). 

This is the first part of your economic analysis presentation. 

Unit 2: You completed the Maximizing Output, Pricing Decisions, and Strategic Cooperation presentation (15 slides in length). 

This is the second part of your economic analysis presentation. 

Unit 3: You completed the consumption of Goods Related to Global Trade Issues and the Competitive Environment presentation (15 slides in length). 

This is the third part of your economic analysis presentation. 

Unit 4: You completed the Institutions Governing Trade and the Types of Trade Restrictions Essential Success in Domestic and Foreign Market presentation (15 slides in length). 

This is the fourth part of your economic analysis presentation. 

Unit 5: Complete the project by adding it to the four slide decks above to equal 75 slides total.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

Title slide: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals. 
Length: 15 slides minimum 
Body slides: This begins on the slide following the title slide and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your presentation for this assignment is 15 slides. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged. 
Reference slide: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final slide of your presentation. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference slide is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the presentation. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.