What role do the following play in contemporary American society? Traditional news media Social media What do you think the news media’s responsibility is in providing accurate information to the public? Are social media platforms responsible for ensuring the content their users share is accurate and factual? Why or why not? 

Social media platforms and other technology have revolutionized how we communicate with one another and how news is delivered. Unfortunately, social media platforms, and even some news outlets, contain misinformation. In this assignment, you will investigate the role of social media in American news media. You will also reflect on these organizations’ responsibility to provide accurate information. 
ord in which you answer the following:

What role do the following play in contemporary American society?
Traditional news media
Social media
What do you think the news media’s responsibility is in providing accurate information to the public?
Are social media platforms responsible for ensuring the content their users share is accurate and factual? Why or why not? 

Discuss the global barriers hindering the advancement of women. How can a female global leader get past these barriers? What steps can be taken to minimize negative aspects women may encounter when working on a foreign assignment?  How have some companies assisted in breaking down barriers impeding a woman’s progress? What else can be done? What future trends are likely to occur regarding gender differences in the global workplace? 

Ba 2410 mod 3 db | Economics homework help



Discuss the global barriers hindering the advancement of women.
How can a female global leader get past these barriers?
What steps can be taken to minimize negative aspects women may encounter when working on a foreign assignment? 
How have some companies assisted in breaking down barriers impeding a woman’s progress?
What else can be done?
What future trends are likely to occur regarding gender differences in the global workplace? 

Managing morale is usually management (can be a leader) responsibility. What can management or leadership do to encourage the employees to motivate themselves?  As a manager (or leader) what can you do to keep yourself motivated and inspired? Please provide examples to illustrate your points. Side Note: Does creativity affect a person’s morale? 

Managing morale is usually management (can be a leader) responsibility. What can management or leadership do to encourage the employees to motivate themselves?  As a manager (or leader) what can you do to keep yourself motivated and inspired? Please provide examples to illustrate your points.
Side Note: Does creativity affect a person’s morale? 
Also respond to at least three or four of your peers/cohorts.
Side note: Does creativity affect a person’s morale? Share your insight and any research.
this is a discussion question, it doesnt have to be a page just a paragragh. 

In the case of Hasbro, Inc. v. Internet Entertainment Group, Ltd., Hasbro, Inc., the maker of Candyland, owns the Candyland trademark.  Brian Cartmell and the Internet Entertainment Group (IEG), Lt., used “candyland.com” as a domain name for a sexually explicit internet site.  Any person who performed an online search for “candyland” was directed to this adult Web site.  Hasbro filed a trademark dilution claim in a federal court against Cartmell and IEG. The court ordered the defendants to remove all content from the candyland.com site and to stop using the Candyland mark.  Hasbro showed that the defendants’ use of the mark and the domain name candyland.com in connection with their site was causing irreparable injury to Hasbro.  Hasbro demonstrated a likelihood of prevailing on its claims that defendants violated the applicable federal and state statutes against trademark dilution. If the Court had ordered both parties to change their domains, what, if any, complications would this present?

In the case of Hasbro, Inc. v. Internet Entertainment Group, Ltd., Hasbro, Inc., the maker of Candyland, owns the Candyland trademark.  Brian Cartmell and the Internet Entertainment Group (IEG), Lt., used “candyland.com” as a domain name for a sexually explicit internet site.  Any person who performed an online search for “candyland” was directed to this adult Web site.  Hasbro filed a trademark dilution claim in a federal court against Cartmell and IEG.
The court ordered the defendants to remove all content from the candyland.com site and to stop using the Candyland mark.  Hasbro showed that the defendants’ use of the mark and the domain name candyland.com in connection with their site was causing irreparable injury to Hasbro.  Hasbro demonstrated a likelihood of prevailing on its claims that defendants violated the applicable federal and state statutes against trademark dilution.
If the Court had ordered both parties to change their domains, what, if any, complications would this present?

As a new nurse, you have had clients with Myasthenia Gravis (MG) and are concerned about their level of understanding of the disease process. You have taken on the task of developing a teaching pamphlet to provide clear discharge instructions including information on the disease, support resources, medication teaching, and signs and symptoms of Myasthenic Crisis. You will include the following information in the pamphlet. Describe the disease process for MG. List (2) local community resources available that can provide support such as: Nutrition. Transportation. Psychosocial needs such as support groups.

As a new nurse, you have had clients with Myasthenia Gravis (MG) and are concerned about their level of understanding of the disease process. You have taken on the task of developing a teaching pamphlet to provide clear discharge instructions including information on the disease, support resources, medication teaching, and signs and symptoms of Myasthenic Crisis. You will include the following information in the pamphlet.

Describe the disease process for MG.
List (2) local community resources available that can provide support such as:
Psychosocial needs such as support groups.
Include medication administration instructions and the importance of timing of medication delivery.
Include signs of symptoms of Myasthenic Crisis and when to notify health care provider.

Write at least one paragraph to address each criteria. 

Marcee is a 52-year-old woman who worked at a reception desk at a company head office. She took some time off when she was treated for colorectal cancer. The Dukes classification was stage I, and the treatment protocol involved surgery and radiation therapy. No one in her family had a history of the disease. Marcee does not drink or smoke, but she does not pay close attention to her diet. At work, her meals consisted mainly of the foods she got from vending machines at the cafeteria. At home, she preferred to heat up frozen dinners or any prepackaged food that required minimal preparation time (Chapter 37, Learning Objective 9). Review Marcee’s diet. What factors in her dietary choices might contribute to the development of colorectal cancer? Colorectal cancer often arises from adenomatous polyps. What are the development and histologic features of these polyps?

Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function
Marcee is a 52-year-old woman who worked at a reception desk at a company head office. She took some time off when she was treated for colorectal cancer. The Dukes classification was stage I, and the treatment protocol involved surgery and radiation therapy. No one in her family had a history of the disease. Marcee does not drink or smoke, but she does not pay close attention to her diet. At work, her meals consisted mainly of the foods she got from vending machines at the cafeteria. At home, she preferred to heat up frozen dinners or any prepackaged food that required minimal preparation time (Chapter 37, Learning Objective 9).

Review Marcee’s diet. What factors in her dietary choices might contribute to the development of colorectal cancer?
Colorectal cancer often arises from adenomatous polyps. What are the development and histologic features of these polyps?
Colorectal cancer may be a complication in individuals with ulcerative colitis. How are the “pseudopolyps” seen in this disease different from the polyps discussed above?
Why is a fecal occult blood test used as one of the screening tools for colorectal cancer? Explain the procedure for administering the test.


Your primary post should be at least 200 words long and should include reference to the textbook or another course resource using APA 7th edition format. Your primary post is due by Wednesday at midnight ET.
 Respond with at least 100 words (each) to at least two classmates’ posts by Sunday at midnight ET.
To see the grading rubric, click on the 3-dot menu on the top-right side of screen.

  Find a  scholarly research article (No blogs, commercial websites, online  non-academic organizational materials, news articles, or popular  magazines, allowed — the APUS online library is a good place to look!)  on the topic of children/adolescent violence and the media. Does playing  violent video games and watching violent TV/movies cause an increase in  violence with this population? 

Find a  scholarly research article (No blogs, commercial websites, online  non-academic organizational materials, news articles, or popular  magazines, allowed — the APUS online library is a good place to look!)  on the topic of children/adolescent violence and the media. Does playing  violent video games and watching violent TV/movies cause an increase in  violence with this population? 
Please be sure that the article that you choose details an actual research study and is not a general information article. 

 Aida, a hospital counselor, has been called to the emergency room where Mary, an elderly woman, has arrived accompanied by her granddaughter, Amanda. Staff are concerned because Mary seems fearful of Amanda and because Amanda seems to want to control the entire situation.The Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection law identifies certain types of elderly people as being less able to protect or advocate for themselves and social work professionals find that elders with those characteristics are, indeed, at higher risk of abuse and neglect. If you were Aida, what would you want to know about Mary to determine whether she is at increased risk of abuse?

 Aida, a hospital counselor, has been called to the emergency room where Mary, an elderly woman, has arrived accompanied by her granddaughter, Amanda. Staff are concerned because Mary seems fearful of Amanda and because Amanda seems to want to control the entire situation.The Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection law identifies certain types of elderly people as being less able to protect or advocate for themselves and social work professionals find that elders with those characteristics are, indeed, at higher risk of abuse and neglect.

If you were Aida, what would you want to know about Mary to determine whether she is at increased risk of abuse?
At present, most responses to elder abuse and neglect occur after the fact, and little is done to prevent it. Suppose you are a hospital counselor working with Aida and your team has the opportunity to develop a program designed to prevent elder abuse and neglect. What would you do?

  Create a (500 t) that explains how figurative language can be used in different cultural contexts. For example, we use a lot of metaphors in the United States. Do other cultures do this? Review the Grammarly Blog article from the Module 3 Lesson, “Figurative Language Examples: How to Use These 5 Common Types” by Matt Ellis (also linked below). Select three of the following types of figurative language covered in the article: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and allusion.  Explain how each is used in the United States and in another culture. Discuss how a person from a different culture might respond to the use of each type of figurative language you selected.  

Comm 1250 mod 3 figurative language | Applied Sciences homework help



Create a (500 t) that explains how figurative language can be used in different cultural contexts. For example, we use a lot of metaphors in the United States. Do other cultures do this?

Review the Grammarly Blog article from the Module 3 Lesson, “Figurative Language Examples: How to Use These 5 Common Types” by Matt Ellis (also linked below).
Select three of the following types of figurative language covered in the article: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and allusion. 
Explain how each is used in the United States and in another culture.
Discuss how a person from a different culture might respond to the use of each type of figurative language you selected.  

Create a SWOT analysis for Southwest Airlines to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Step 2: Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for  Southwest Airlines to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats. Step 3: Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability. Step 4: Outline a communications plan Southwest Airlines could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders.

In this assignment, you are to use the corporation “Southwest Airlines”. You will prepare an executive-level PowerPoint presentation that could be delivered to the board of directors.
This assignment requires the use of three or more quality resources, including your textbook. Use any or all of the following resources to conduct research on the chosen corporation:

The corporation’s website.
Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page.
Strayer      University’s online databases.
The Nexis Uni database.
Other credible sources, such as the corporation’s annual report, will often provide insights that other resources may not include.
It is expected that you will use your textbook as a resource for this assignment.


Use the template to Develop an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes and appropriate graphics.      This presentation should be prepared for the board of directors of the      corporation and is based only on your assignments from Weeks 3, 6, and 8,      and the following:

Step 1: Create a SWOT analysis for Southwest Airlines to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Step 2: Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for  Southwest Airlines to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats.
Step 3: Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability.
Step 4: Outline a communications plan Southwest Airlines could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders.
Step 5: Assess efforts by Southwest Airlines to be a responsible (ethical) corporate citizen and the impact on the corporation’s bottom line. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Use three or more quality sources, including your textbook, to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. (Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as      academic resources)