Psychology week 8 assignment | COUN 6220 – Psychology of Personality | Walden University

Television and film producers have editorial control over their media products; they control all aspects of the TV program and/or movie with the intent to impart a specific set of values to the viewing audience. This is especially true for character development. Certain characters are made to look attractive, smart, kind, generous, and altogether likeable. Others, less so. The characters, likeable or not, are automatically associated with their lifestyle choices and, importantly, the outcomes those choices produce. People tend to like the characters whose decisions lead to desirable outcomes. TV and film producers can develop characters whose appearance and lifestyle choices reinforce familiar stereotypes (e.g., the careerist female who, having forsaken marriage and children, seems destined to live a lonely life). In this way, TV and film producers convey messages about what kind of people we should aspire to be and what sort of lives we should aspire to live.
For this Assignment, you will closely examine stereotypical portrayals in TV or film.

Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., Akert, R. M., & Sommers, S. R. (Eds.). (2019). Social psychology (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Chapter 13, “Prejudice: Causes, Consequences, and Cures” 

Note: Viewing media and interactives embedded in the electronic version of this course text is not required for this course.
Daalmans, S., Kleemans, M., & Sadza, A. (2017). Gender representation on gender-targeted television channels: A comparison of female- and male-targeted tv channels in the Netherlands. Sex RolesLinks to an external site., 77(5–6), 366–378. doi:10.1007/s11199-016-0727-6
Jang, I. J., & Cordero-Pedrosa, C. (2016). To laugh or not to laugh at racist jokes. Peace ReviewLinks to an external site., 28(4), 474–481.doi:10.1080/10402659.2016.1237116
Larsen, G. (2017). It’s a man’s world: Music groupies and the othering of women in the world of rock. OrganizationLinks to an external site., 24(3), 397–417. doi:10.1177/1350508416689095

Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 

Review the Learning Resources for this week and think about how TV and film can function as a vehicle for delivering stereotypical messages (e.g., powerful women who sacrificed family for career and lamented their unmarried, childless status).
Reflect on television shows or films you have seen that employ stereotypical portrayals used by producers to condemn or endorse specific lifestyle choices.

Submit 3–5 pages, not including title page or reference page:
Your task is to choose a current (e.g., in the last 12 months) television program or a film and conduct a content analysis that identifies the stereotypical portrayals used by the producers to condemn or endorse specific lifestyle choices.

Choose one of the major characters in the movie or TV program you’ve selected.
Describe their physical appearance; are they made to look attractive?
What role does this person play in the story? Is it stereotypical? Are they effective in that role?
What is this person’s job? Is it stereotypical? Are they successful in their job?
Describe two or three specific actions taken by this person.
What was the outcome of each action? Was it positive or negative?
Do the actions/outcomes reinforce a stereotype?
Is the stereotype positive or negative?
How likeable and/or intelligent is this person?
How desirable is this person’s lifestyle?
What are ways to mitigate the stereotyping portrayal you identified in your content analysis?

Be sure your analysis is informed by social psychology theory and research.
In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or Internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Customers Loyalty Essay Nursing Assignment Help

You have been hired as an outside consultant for a large durable medical equipment and medical supply company. The company specializes in a wide range of medical supplies and equipment. Some of its most profitable offerings include hospital bed rental to private residents, wheelchairs, walkers, scooters, and other mobility equipment. However, the company has come to realize that competition is increasing and its market share is shrinking. The company noted that most of its customers are new customers, and very few are repeat customers. The company is concerned with customer loyalty. The medical supply company owner has asked you to develop a plan to improve customer loyalty.

Expert Solution Preview
To improve customer loyalty for the medical supply company, the following plan can be implemented:
1. Enhance the customer experience: Focus on providing exceptional customer service and creating a positive experience for each customer. This can be achieved by ensuring that all staff members are well-trained, knowledgeable about the products, and able to address customer concerns effectively. Prompt response to inquiries, personalized interactions, and going the extra mile to meet customer needs will contribute to customer satisfaction and loyalty.
2. Develop a loyalty program: Introduce a loyalty program that rewards customers for their continued support. The program can include perks such as discounts on future purchases, exclusive offers, or points accumulation that can be redeemed for free merchandise or services. This will incentivize customers to choose the company for their medical supply needs and encourage repeat business.
3. Build strong customer relationships: Establishing strong relationships with customers is crucial to fostering loyalty. This can be achieved by regularly engaging with customers through various communication channels such as email newsletters, social media platforms, or personalized follow-up calls. Providing relevant and valuable information about new products, industry updates, or health tips will keep customers informed and connected to the company.
4. Implement customer feedback system: Create a structured feedback system to gather insights from customers about their experiences with the company. This can be done through surveys, online reviews, or feedback forms. Actively listen to customer feedback and identify areas for improvement. Addressing customer concerns promptly and effectively will not only resolve issues but also demonstrate the company’s commitment to customer satisfaction.
5. Offer product customization and diversity: Understand the diverse needs of customers and strive to offer a wide range of medical supplies and equipment to cater to those needs. Providing customizable options, such as personalized fittings or adjustments, shows that the company values individual preferences and can better meet unique requirements. This differentiation can set the company apart from competitors and increase customer loyalty.
6. Foster partnerships with healthcare professionals: Collaborate with healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, or therapists, to strengthen the company’s credibility and trustworthiness. By establishing referral programs or offering educational resources to healthcare professionals, the company can gain their support and recommendations. This can significantly influence patients’ decisions when selecting medical supply providers, resulting in increased customer loyalty.
In conclusion, by enhancing the customer experience, implementing a loyalty program, building strong customer relationships, gathering and acting on customer feedback, offering product customization, and fostering partnerships with healthcare professionals, the medical supply company can improve customer loyalty and regain market share.

For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography of resources related to your selected topic. This paper is not a formal paper but is structured as more of an outline. A title page and a Nursing Assignment Help

For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography of resources related to your selected topic. This paper is not a formal paper but is structured as more of an outline. A title page and a reference page in APA style are required.
For this assignment, please follow these instructions:

Research and choose articles that discuss and examine a specific health policy that relates to your selected health issue.

The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to select the most relevant articles (research or evidence-based) from a peer reviewed and reliable journal or source.
Do not cite or use a website for this assignment.

Please note: A website is not considered an article. If you select a peer reviewed article published on a web site, use the correct citation. (See section 6.31 and 6.32 of your APA manual.)

Select five (5) articles from peer-reviewed journals that relate to your chosen issue and specific policy.
Reference each article in proper APA format and include the following information underneath each reference:
For each article write:

3 -5 sentence summary of the article
2 sentences about the purpose of the article
2 sentences why the article is credible for your topic
2 sentences explaining how you could use the article in your final project

Each annotated bibliography entry should be 250 words. Do not copy/paste the abstract for this assignment.
For an example of an annotated bibliography, please see the OWL website (Links to an external site.).

Expert Solution Preview
An annotated bibliography is a detailed list of sources that provides information about each source’s content and relevance to a specific topic. In this assignment, you are required to create an annotated bibliography related to a health policy and your selected health issue.
To begin, conduct thorough research to identify peer-reviewed articles that discuss and examine the specific health policy in relation to your chosen health issue.
When selecting articles, ensure they are from reliable and peer-reviewed journals or sources. It is important to note that websites should not be used, except for cases where a peer-reviewed article is published on a website. In such cases, you must provide the correct APA citation.
Choose five articles that are most relevant to your topic and specific policy. For each article, create a proper APA reference and include the following information:
1. 3-5 sentence summary of the article: Write a concise summary that captures the main findings and key points of the article. Focus on the key aspects of the health policy and its impact on your chosen health issue.
2. 2 sentences about the purpose of the article: Explain the main objective or purpose of the article. This could include identifying gaps in current health policies, evaluating the effectiveness of existing policies, or proposing new policies to address the health issue.
3. 2 sentences why the article is credible for your topic: Discuss why the article is credible and reliable for your topic. Consider factors such as the author’s expertise, the reputation of the journal, and the use of rigorous research methods.
4. 2 sentences explaining how you could use the article in your final project: Explain how the article can be beneficial for your final project. Discuss how the article’s findings, conclusions, or recommendations align with your own research or contribute to your understanding of the health policy and its impact on the selected health issue.
Each annotated bibliography entry should be 250 words in total. Avoid copying and pasting the abstract for this assignment, as it should be your own summary and analysis of the article’s content.
For reference, you can visit the OWL website to see an example of an annotated bibliography.

Discussion Reflection Response – Health Policy Post your complete response to the discussion questions in the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. This week we will be reflecting on current trend Nursing Assignment Help

Discussion Reflection Response – Health Policy
Post your complete response to the discussion questions in the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.
This week we will be reflecting on current trends and issues within your role.
Considering your role specialization (nurse educator, nurse informatics, nurse administrator, and family or adult-gerontology NP), reflect on the top three current trends or issues that you believe to be most important with regard to your chosen role and the impact the role has on patient outcomes. Synthesize knowledge from values theory, ethics, and legal regulatory statute.
Please note:

This is a reflection and therefore no references are needed nor expected.
There is only one (1) post for this discussion board.
There is no requirement to respond to any of your peers.
Your response should be 200-250 words in length.

Guidelines: In your discussion response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response. Reflective posts provide you an opportunity to think back on the concepts and materials you reviewed for the week. A reflection is a method for personal growth. A reflection post can help answer questions, such as, “How has my thinking changed this past week?”, “How can I use the concepts or relationships from the course readings and course content in my practice?” Reflection enhances personal and professional growth by making connections to previous course content and/or presenting novel ideas and insights.

Expert Solution Preview
As a medical professor responsible for designing assignments and evaluating student performance, the top three current trends or issues that I believe are important in my role as a nurse educator are:
1. Integration of Technology in Education: The use of technology, such as simulation models, virtual reality, and online learning platforms, has become increasingly important in medical education. Integrating these technologies into the curriculum can enhance students’ understanding of complex medical concepts, provide opportunities for skills practice, and promote critical thinking. Additionally, technology enables remote learning, which can be particularly valuable in situations where students may not have regular access to on-campus classes, like during a pandemic.
2. Diversity and Cultural Competence: In healthcare, it is essential for healthcare providers to understand and respect the diverse backgrounds and cultural practices of their patients. As a nurse educator, I believe it is crucial to teach students about cultural competence and the impact that cultural beliefs can have on healthcare outcomes. By incorporating diversity and cultural sensitivity into the curriculum, students can develop the necessary skills to provide patient-centered care and address health disparities.
3. Interprofessional Collaboration: The healthcare system is increasingly relying on interprofessional collaboration to improve patient outcomes. As a nurse educator, it is important to expose students to interprofessional education and teamwork from the beginning of their education. By working alongside students from different healthcare disciplines, such as physicians, pharmacists, and social workers, students can develop an understanding of each profession’s role and the importance of collaboration in delivering comprehensive care to patients.
Incorporating these trends and addressing these issues in the curriculum can have a significant impact on patient outcomes. By ensuring that students are equipped with technological skills, cultural competence, and an understanding of interprofessional collaboration, they can contribute to improved healthcare outcomes and provide high-quality care to patients from diverse backgrounds.

Department of Family and Children services Discussion

DiscussionAs a case worker for The Department of Family and Children services I work with and assist many people from different cultural backgrounds. Some clients that I have on my caseload to interview are not United States citizens and do not speak English very well which at times can be frustrating to the client because of the language barrier. Many of my Hispanic clients have family members and friends that speak enough English and Spanish, therefore when the client comes into the agency to get interviewed or inquiry personal information on the case, they will bring their friend, child, or someone they know to be their interpreter. Unfortunately, as part of food stamp policy case manager can not allow clients to provide their own interpreters (Department of Human services ,2019). We also cannot discuss our client’s personal information with an individual that is not the head of household or in the assistance unit (Department of Human services ,2019). Food stamp policy requires case workers to call the Line Bridge language line and from there case workers are joined with a language interpreter to assist clients that do not speak English. This is a great service that the agency provides however, for client’s that use sign language to communicate their benefits often get delayed because we do not have an onsite interpreter for them and per policy, we cannot allow them to provide their own.Another cultural difference that causes a lot of frustration with clients a policy is the age limit for a minor to have their own food stamp case. Food stamp policy requires any child/minor under age 22, living in the same household with their parent or guardian must be included in the case together when applying for benefits (Department of Human services ,2019). A lot of clients feel this is unfair because in other countries a child is considered an adult prior to age 22 and have adult responsibilities. Although this may be true even if the minor does work and pay rent to their parents if they apply for food stamps and live in the same household, they must all be included in case. If it is discovered or questionable that a child under age 22 is living in the household with their parent or guardian case workers are required to report the household to fraud. In the united states an 18 year can go fight in the war for their country, purchase alcohol at age 21, but can not receive their own food stamps if they live with their parents until age 22. This policy may seem unfair, but the agency expects case workers to abide by policy even when no one is looking. Even when clients become upset with their case manager it is still the case managers responsibility to listen and try to understand the client’s point of view but still align with policy. Professional integrity is very important in my profession due to case workers having minimum supervision it is expected that we build a genuine relationship with our clients but not to the point where policy and power are being misused or abuse. “Professional integrity is about setting and enforcing clear and appropriate professional boundaries to minimize the risk of con?ict (Weber,2004).” References Weber, Z., (2004). Working towards culturally sensitive ethical practice in a multicultural society. Journal of Practice Teaching 5(3), 40-54. Retrieved from

Assessment TraitsBenchmarkRequires LopeswriteAssessment Description Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective jour Nursing Assignment Help

Assessment TraitsBenchmarkRequires LopeswriteAssessment Description
Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course.
In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific practice immersion clinical experiences:

New Practice Approaches
Interprofessional Collaboration
Health Care Delivery and Clinical Systems
Ethical Considerations in Health Care
Practices of Culturally Sensitive Care and Ensuring the Integrity of Human Dignity in the Care of all Patients
Population Health Concerns and Health Disparities
The Role of Technology in Improving Health Care Outcomes
Health Policy
Leadership and Economic Models

Expert Solution Preview
In the Professional Capstone and Practicum course, students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives that will be combined into one course-long reflective journal. This journal should integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the course objectives.
In the journal, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills they have gained throughout the course. The content should address a variable combination of the following topics, depending on the specific practice immersion clinical experiences:
1. New Practice Approaches: Reflect on any new approaches or strategies learned during the course that can be applied to your future practice. Consider how these new approaches can improve patient outcomes or care delivery.
2. Interprofessional Collaboration: Discuss experiences and observations of collaborating with other healthcare professionals. Reflect on the importance of teamwork and effective communication in providing comprehensive patient care.
3. Health Care Delivery and Clinical Systems: Analyze the various aspects of healthcare delivery, including the organization and management of healthcare systems. Reflect on how these systems can impact patient care, access, and quality.
4. Ethical Considerations in Health Care: Reflect on ethical dilemmas or challenges encountered during the course. Discuss the importance of maintaining ethical standards and values in healthcare practice.
5. Practices of Culturally Sensitive Care and Ensuring the Integrity of Human Dignity in the Care of all Patients: Reflect on the importance of cultural competence in providing patient-centered care. Discuss strategies for ensuring the dignity and respect of all patients, regardless of their background.
6. Population Health Concerns and Health Disparities: Analyze population health concerns and health disparities observed during the course. Reflect on the potential causes and impacts of these disparities and discuss strategies to address them.
7. The Role of Technology in Improving Health Care Outcomes: Reflect on the use of technology in healthcare practice and its impact on patient outcomes. Discuss the benefits and potential challenges associated with technology adoption.
8. Health Policy: Analyze the current healthcare policy landscape. Reflect on the implications of policy changes on healthcare delivery and patient care and discuss potential strategies for advocating for positive policy changes.
9. Leadership and Economic Models: Reflect on leadership skills and economic models discussed during the course. Discuss their relevance to your future practice and their potential impact on healthcare outcomes.
In your journal, it is important to demonstrate critical thinking, integration of course materials, and the application of theoretical knowledge to real-world practice scenarios. Use evidence-based literature to support your reflections whenever possible.
Remember, the reflective journal is an opportunity to self-assess your progress, identify areas for improvement, and develop a deeper understanding of the topics covered in the course. Enjoy the process of reflecting on your learning journey and use this experience to enhance your professional growth.

Microbiology Discussion Post: Compare and contrast the diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoans and parasitic worms. Consider which ones people are most vulnerable to and explain why, or whic Nursing Assignment Help

Microbiology Discussion Post: 
Compare and contrast the diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoans and parasitic worms.
Consider which ones people are most vulnerable to and explain why, or which you think are the most deadly and why.

How to Solve Microbiology Discussion Post: Compare and contrast the diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoans and parasitic worms. Consider which ones people are most vulnerable to and explain why, or whic Nursing Assignment Help
When comparing and contrasting the diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoans, and parasitic worms, it is essential to explore their unique characteristics, modes of transmission, pathogenicity, and impact on human health. Understanding these differences allows us to develop appropriate prevention strategies, diagnostic tools, and treatment options for each category of pathogens. In this discussion, we will examine the diseases caused by these microorganisms, analyze their vulnerabilities, and discuss their potential lethality.
Viruses are responsible for numerous diseases, such as the common cold, influenza, HIV/AIDS, and COVID-19. Viral diseases often spread through respiratory droplets, direct contact, or contaminated surfaces. Viruses replicate inside host cells, leading to cellular damage and immune response activation. People are particularly vulnerable to viral infections due to their small size, efficient transmission, and ability to evade the immune system. Among the mentioned pathogens, viruses can be highly deadly, as observed in cases of Ebola, SARS, and Zika, where severe manifestations and high mortality rates occur.
Bacteria cause various diseases, including tuberculosis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and strep throat. Bacterial infections can result from direct contact, ingestion of contaminated food or water, inhalation of respiratory droplets, or insect bites. Unlike viruses, bacteria are self-replicating organisms capable of producing toxins and inducing inflammation. Vulnerability to bacterial infections often depends on factors such as compromised immunity, poor hygiene practices, and antibiotic resistance. While bacterial infections can be severe, advances in antibiotics and vaccines have significantly reduced their lethality.
Protozoans, such as Plasmodium (causing malaria), Entamoeba histolytica (causing amoebiasis), and Giardia (causing giardiasis), are responsible for a range of diseases. Protozoan infections are commonly transmitted through contaminated water or food, insect vectors, or sexual contact. These organisms often invade host tissues, leading to organ damage and immune responses. Vulnerability to protozoan diseases can vary based on geographical location, socioeconomic factors, and individual immune status. While protozoan infections can be deadly, they are typically treatable with antiparasitic medications and preventive measures.
Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, encompass various species such as roundworms, tapeworms, and flukes causing diseases like ascariasis, schistosomiasis, and hookworm infection. These parasites have complex life cycles involving intermediate hosts, and transmission occurs through ingestion of contaminated food or water, contact with contaminated soil, or insect vectors. Parasitic worms can cause chronic infections with long-term consequences, including malnutrition, organ damage, and impaired growth. Certain tropical regions with inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene practices have a higher vulnerability to these infections. In terms of lethality, while parasitic worm infections can be severe and debilitating, they are generally not as immediately life-threatening as viral or bacterial infections.
In conclusion, the diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoans, and parasitic worms exhibit distinct characteristics, modes of transmission, vulnerabilities, and potential lethality. While viruses pose high vulnerability and significant lethality, bacterial infections have become more manageable due to medical advancements. Protozoan infections are influenced by various factors, whereas parasitic worm infections primarily affect areas with inadequate sanitation. Deepening our knowledge of these disease-causing microorganisms aids in implementing preventive measures, timely diagnosis, and effective treatment strategies to mitigate their impact on human health.

Week 4 discussion- soc 450 | SOC 450 – Solutions to Global Issues | Strayer University

Read Chapter 10 in Global Issues: An Introduction.
Class, in preparation for your first assignment due in Week 6, I would like you to spend some time working on this assignment this week. The assignment due date is coming up very soon (Week 6) and now is the time to really focus on this paper. I have posted a Week 6 Assignment Sample Paper, the Week 6 Outline template and other related documents in the Course Information section.  I strongly suggest that you produce an Outline for this assignment or use the Completed Outline Template (posted in the Course Information section). An outline provides a good frame for the assignment content.  Please Read the Week 6 Assignment instructions, the topic for the Week 6 Assignment is: “The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security”
TASKS 1 & 2 ) Post a minimum 150 word summary of your personal research plan AND at least two (2) complete References (not just the https address)  for the Week 6 assignment.
Please comment on academic sources you plan to use (list some), and which sources you are reviewing or plan to review for this assignment. Please use the Strayer University Library research library linked here or found on the Strayer library website.
Class do not copy this example or any other student’s discussion posting for Week 4…..Thank You. 
Good morning Dr. Royal-Smith and classmates,
For the week 6 assignment, I plan to use various sources to write a complete persuasive paper to address the questions in the assignment about the relationship between atmospheric weather patterns and food security in the developing world. Since it is a persuasive paper, I will use research driven from primary and secondary sources. In this paper, I will use a combination of research that includes SOC 450 course material including the Hite Chapter readings (2021), additional course media information, World Bank Reports for Developing Countries, and information from the Library of Congress. I have checked the World Bank List of Developing Countries (2020) from the Course Info section, I have selected the countries of Liberia and Mexico.  Both countries have existing climate change, global warming, and food security issues policies.
I also plan to use Strayer University online research portal, academic research databases and other credible sources to gather data that will address the questions in this assignment as well as providing a well written persuasive paper on the matter. The focus of this paper will be within the specific course materials and learning outcomes associated with the assignment, which is to focus on evaluating the impact that climate change has on the growth of the global population and the security on its food sources. Below are two sources I will include in this paper.
1. Tomecek, Steve, 2012. Global Warming and Climate Change.  [email protected]&vid=3&hid=/&format=EB
2. A. N. SARKAR, 2016. Global Climate Change and Confronting the Challenges of Food Security. 
Student: Thomas. A.  (SOC 450)
TASK 3) Respond to another student’s post about their work on this assignment.

Research peer-reviewed journals and find a publication appropriate for disseminating the findings of your DPI Project. The peer-reviewed journal you select must be appropriate for your DPI Project. In Nursing Assignment Help

Research peer-reviewed journals and find a publication appropriate for disseminating the findings of your DPI Project. The peer-reviewed journal you select must be appropriate for your DPI Project.
In 250 words, present your selected peer-reviewed journal and include the following:

Name of journal. Include a link to site or journal.
Name and contact information for the editor of the journal or the person to contact for submissions.
Explain why this journal is most appropriate for disseminating the findings of your DPI Project.
Describe the requirements for submission.

I was thinking “Journal of Nursing Care Quality” 

Expert Solution Preview
For my DPI Project, I have selected the “Journal of Nursing Care Quality” as the most appropriate peer-reviewed journal for disseminating my research findings. This journal provides a platform for healthcare professionals to showcase innovative strategies and interventions that improve the quality of nursing care. In this response, I will provide the required information about the journal and explain why it is suitable for my DPI Project.
1. Name of journal: Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Link to site or journal: [Journal of Nursing Care Quality](
2. Name and contact information for the editor or person to contact for submissions:
– Editor-in-Chief: Marilyn H. Oermann
– Contact Information:
– Email:
– Phone: +1-919-668-4776
3. Explanation of why this journal is most appropriate for disseminating the findings of my DPI Project:
The Journal of Nursing Care Quality focuses on the critical aspect of providing quality nursing care. It publishes evidence-based research that can contribute to enhancing patient outcomes and improving healthcare delivery. My DPI Project aims to investigate the impact of a new care delivery model on patient satisfaction and nursing efficiency. The findings from my project align perfectly with the journal’s emphasis on quality improvement and evidence-based practice in nursing care, making it the most suitable platform for sharing my research outcomes.
4. Description of the requirements for submission:
The journal has specific guidelines for manuscript submission, which include formatting, style, and content requirements. Before submitting, authors should carefully review the instructions provided on the journal’s website. The requirements typically include structured abstracts, literature reviews, research methods sections, results, discussions, and conclusions. Additionally, the journal encourages the use of tables, figures, and appendices to supplement the text. Compliance with ethical considerations and inclusion of necessary institutional review board approvals is also required.
In conclusion, for the dissemination of my DPI Project findings, the “Journal of Nursing Care Quality” is the most appropriate choice due to its focus on quality nursing care, evidence-based practice, and commitment to healthcare improvement. The guidelines for submission ensure that the research is presented in a structured format, facilitating effective communication of results to a wide audience of healthcare professionals.

Protectionism for The Imposing Country Discussion

DISCUSSION POST MUST BE 10+ SENTENCES AND THE PEER REVIEWS MUST BE 7+ SENTENCES PLEASE USE YOUR OWN WORDS AND DO NOT COPY FROM OTHER SITES STAY ON TOPIC ,BE POSITIVE , AND DO NOT COMMENT ON GRAMMAR ERRORS. TALK DIRECTLY TO CLASSMATES IN PEER REVIEWS!!! YOU MUST COMPLETE BOTH PEER REVIEWS AND DISCUSSION QUESTION!! THANK YOU1) DISCUSSION QUESTION”Globalization in Your Life”Tariffs on steel and aluminum are proposed to be set at 25% for steel and 10% for aluminum.Watch the video Tariffs and Protectionism to prepare for this week’s discussion.Reply to these questions in your post:Discuss globalization with your peers:2) PEER REVIEW #1 (JAMES)Hello Professor and class. With regard to the tariffs, ultimately it is the consumer that will pay the tariffs through higher prices. As the tariff takes effect, the imports will cost more to come in and that price will be passed along to the consumer. Likewise, because of the higher world price, domestic production will sell more but they will also raise their price to coincide with the world price, so again the consumer absorbs that cost.Two goods that I can think of off hand that would be affected by tariffs would be computers and automobiles. The prices of those two household purchases are constantly in fluctuation based on how the world trade is going.3) PEER REVIEW #2 (MATTHEW)In my opinion, it is the domestic consumers that ultimately end up paying for tariffs. Tariffs are taxes on imported goods, like foreign steel and aluminum. And since tariffs push global prices upward, it causes a decrease in demand domestically. If you look at the proposed tariffs the president has recently threatened Mexico with, “punishing” the country for issues at the border, it will greatly impact domestic prices here on a lot of consumer products, costing American citizens more money. With over $50,000,000,000 worth of car parts imported from Mexico into the USA every year, and an economist said earlier this morning that the average price of a vehicle in this country will go up about $1,300.00. The prices for laptops, beer, televisions, and other popular consumer goods will rise. As for my personal experience, I am a big shoe collector. I have a ton of shoes and my wife thinks I’m addicted LOL. With the tariffs the president is putting in place with China, economists have said that the price of tennis shoes could increase by $15-20 for American consumers. Might have to think twice now about buy my next pair of shoes if prices will be going up. So, though tariffs are a form of protectionism for the imposing country, I think you only end up hurting yourself (more specifically, your citizens) with tariffs on foreign imports.