Describe what is meant by Integrated Curriculum? Identify 5 benefits of teaching using an integrated curriculum. What experience do you have teaching with an integrated curriculum?

text book:

Read over the assigned chapter of the week. Then respond to the prompts. Keep the prompts exactly as written and insert your responses immediately following each one. That makes it much easier for me to determine that you have responded thoroughly and adequately to each one and as a whole. Overall, I’m expecting a minimum of 300 words, but some weeks it will take more words to get the job done. Your responses must have enough information to convey to me that you have diligently done your part. (read the chapter, reflected, synthesized the information)
Throughout your responses, reference the page number or section number in the textbook that you are synthesizing into your responses. Include evidence of how you are connecting your personal experiences to all pieces of your reading. Your responses must demonstrate that you are reading the textbook. You can’t just “shoot from the hip” in responding and expect to get full points for your post. I have to see a synthesis of information that you’re reading and I have to see this knowledge being woven into your personal experiences that you’re sharing. Study the grading rubric for Discussion Board to be aware of how points are awarded.
1. A position statement on curriculum and assessment was jointly published by NAEYC and the National Association of Early Childhood Specialist in State Departments of Education in 2003 that includes recommendations for teachers to keep in mind when planning DAP lessons and environments for young children. Summarize the major components that are included in the position statement. pp. 70-72
2. Now, in your own words, how has Head Start applied the position statement to their standards and program? pp. 72-73
3. Describe what is meant by Integrated Curriculum? Identify 5 benefits of teaching using an integrated curriculum. What experience do you have teaching with an integrated curriculum? pp. 76-81
4.Describe the Theme Planning approach to curriculum? pp. 84-86
5. Describe the Emergent Curriculum and the Project Approach. pp. 87
6. Provide a brief definition of these key terms (list the page from the textbook or online section number) and give an example or tell something personal of how you are relating to the meaning to demonstrate your understanding of the term.
a. open ended materials
b. transitions
d. DAP
e. curriculum
f. integrated curriculum
g. reflective practitioner
h. theme planning
i. emergent curriculum
j. the Project Approach
k. backtracking
l. webbing
7. In your own words, describe how these approaches (integrated curriculum, thematic units, and emergent curriculum) can all work as one to help you write your lesson plans in this course.
8. What additional information from Chapter 3 rings true in your work setting or personal life?
9. Which parts of Chapter 3 were you most aware?
10. Which parts do you see the need for improvement in your performance or at the facility where you currently work?
assignment part 2

Video Summary and Reflection

Complete Video Summary and Reflection Form for each video.

Submit these each week as one file and always include the Video Time Log. The Video Log should be a running time log, meaning use the one you started in week one and keep adding to it. That way I can see the progress you are making in viewing the videos.

In Module 6, you will compile all of your Video Summaries and Reflections along with your completed Video Time Log into one file.


Video Duration:
Reflection: 30 minutes
Video Summary: In 300 words minimum, summarize the most important points from the video. On a few of the shorter videos only, this might be fewer words.
Application of video content to textbook content: make a connection between what you learned from the video to what you have learned from the textbook or from MindTap. Indicate which chapter you are referring to when you make the textbook connection. 200 words minimum.
Application of video content to your present and future situation and/or position: make a personal connection between what you learned from the video to your current or future work environment or your life in general. 200 words minimum.

Video Summary and Reflection Time Log

The Video Time Log should be a running time log, meaning use the one you started in week one and keep adding to it. That way I can see the progress you are making in viewing the videos.

In Module 6, you will compile all of your Video Summaries and Reflections along with your completed Video Time Log into one file.

Complete a time log of time spent watching the assigned videos and time spent writing and
reflecting. In general, I’m thinking 15 – 30 minutes will be the maximum time spent on each
video. Most of the videos are less that five minutes. Then, you should be able to write your
reflection in 10 to 15 minutes. A few videos may take longer.
Name of Video
Video Length
Total Time
Points Possible 120
all videos to watch: , ,