Discuss how you will do the following:Rule #5: Promote the blog, streaming video, podcast, or webinar.

Follow the outline for the best practices for Blogging as you post your blog for your classmates to read.  Then answer the question below as you discuss how you will promote and measure your success. Post your BlogRule #1: Use catchy titles.Rule #2: Update frequently.Rule #3: Keep content focused.Rule #4: Invite comments.Rule #6: Engage with others.Rule #7: Avoid negativity.Rule #8: Stand by the content.Questions:Discuss how you will do the following:Rule #5: Promote the blog, streaming video, podcast, or webinar.Rule #9: Cross-promote.Rule #10. Archive the content.Rule #11. Use Metrics.Directions:Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.