USU EASTERN Reform Impulse in 19th Century America Discussion
I just want you to responded to the response question that already answered and give some thought and examples to this:Question 2: What were the roots of the reform impulse that swept the nation by the mid-1800s? What were reformers trying to change about the nation and why?COLLAPSE By the time the 19th century came around, the reformation of human society became prevalent and sought to fight the prejudice that America faced. The main idea of the reform impulse revolved around perfecting the people and their environment. The role of Women throughout this time was the most important of all; they became more involved due to the growing prosperity that allowed them to participate in more things outside the house. A female activist named Catharine Beecher created A Treatise on Domestic Economy which promoted a powerful ideology that called upon women to celebrate their role as manager of the household and children (Shi, 406), otherwise known as the cult of domesticity. This led to a very important event for women; at the Seneca Falls Convention, the Declaration of Sentiments was created and announced that all men and women are created equal. This time is known as the first of the many steps in the womens rights movement. Another important woman named Susan B. Anthony believed in the temperance and anti-slavery movements and played a major role in the womens fight for more rights. The movement of temperance aimed to reduce alcohol consumption in America. To solve this situation, the American Temperance Union was created and believed that all liquor was evil and should be banned and called for abstinence from all alcoholic beverages (Shi, 405). During the time of the reform, the people believed that if there was anything wrong or immoral it should be fixed. This included the improvement of public schools through Horace Manns new school that was supported by taxes and allowed everyone to be a part of it- no matter the race, class, or ethnicity. Just as we learned in Unit Six, there was still the battle between the north and south beliefs; although public schools were being reformed, the south still prevented enslaved Africans from learning to read or write. Because of the belief that life should be perfect at this time, Utopian communities were created that strived to be as perfect as they could be. Towns such as the Brook Farm grew out of the opinion that plain living and high thinking were the essential element of his Utopian community (Shi, 409). This event all revolved around the idea of Romanticism which was created b poets, writers, and philosophers who believed in a flawless moral American society.Shi, David E. America: The Essential Learning Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2018. Print.