Snare Drum Physics & Sound Essay

We have discussed how sound is a pressure wave and its pitch depends on the frequency of that wave. We also know that all waves follow the principles of diffraction and interference, and from that interference we can sometimes create resonant wave patterns which are much stronger than the original wave. For this essay, I want you to pick a musical instrument and describe how it works. Note that I don’t want to know how to play it, I want to know how it works, how it produces the necessary sound waves. Examples: How does a trumpet produce so many different frequencies with only three buttons? Why do woodwinds have so many buttons/holes, while brass instruments have so few? Why are guitars/violins/cellos shaped the way they are? What is the point of a “resophonic” guitar and how does it work? What was the first purely electronic musical instrument and how did it work? Why does a snare drum sound different than a tom?