Analyze the differences between individual racism, interpersonal racism, institutional racism, and systemic racism.
Does White Privilege Exist? Part 1
Learning Objectives
After you read the assigned materials and answer the questions, you will be able to:
1. Analyze the differences between individual racism, interpersonal racism, institutional racism, and systemic racism.
2. Analyze the causes of white privilege on an institutional, interpersonal, and personal level.
3. Analyze the effects of white privilege on an institutional, interpersonal, and personal level.
4. Analyze the causes and effects of white denial on an institutional, interpersonal, and personal level.
5. Analyze how whites are involved in systems of white privilege and how they might challenge white privilege.
REREAD: Koegel: “Exploring Our Mental Models: Why The Sociological Imagination May Be Hard To Understand And Accept” (read the first 3 pages of attached PDF)
READ: Koegel: “Most White People Believe There Has Been Significant Racial Progress In The Past 50 Years – Are They Right?” (see attached 4-page PDF)
WATCH:5 Things You Should Know About Racism | Decoded | MTV News at
READ: Koegel: “Do You See What – And How – I See? Exploring Different Ways Of Thinking About Racism” (see attached 4-page PDF)
WATCH: “Systemic Racism Explained,” 2019 (4 minutes and 23 seconds) at
READ: “Does White Privilege Exist” (read all the assigned essays in this PDF)
WATCH: “Systemic Racism Against Latinos” (3 minutes) at
[Read before you answer question 1A] After re-reading page 1 of my essay “Exploring Our Mental Model” until the end of the 4th paragraph of page 3 whose last sentence ends with: … “our assumptions and beliefs about the way things are”),
QUESTION 1A: Describe how I support my conclusion that we do not simply see and experience the world “out there” as it is. Rather, our mental model profoundly shapes our lives – or, as I put it, “it is not just our actions and reactions, but our very perceptions, what we think we see, hear, feel, smell and experience that are deeply affected by our mental model, our assumptions and beliefs about the way things really are” (this quote is on pages 2 and 3)