indicate the extent of the damage to the organization’s reputation and any other intangible harms that resulted from the security breach.
Need to be done within 24 hours
Pick a major data breach case that occurred in 2016 or later and was well publicized in the news media and other journals or periodicals. Research the incident and get as many details as possible indicating who perpetrated the crime, what methods were used to get inside the network, what data was stolen, and the extent of the damage in dollars and to the organization. Also, indicate the extent of the damage to the organization’s reputation and any other intangible harms that resulted from the security breach.
Write a paper that is 3 — 5 pages in length that is presented in a well organized and logical manner. Formatting is important but no particular style manual is required. The last part of the paper should indicate how the security breach could have been prevented had certain practices from the textbook been followed.