What are some techniques that you have seen others use, or that you can find by researching (cite your sources), or that you have tried that helps to overcome this fear?

Discussion Board Requirements

Current Topic Discussion Guidelines

Students must make a minimum of three substantive contributions on three separate days of the learning week to the management discussion topic using authoritative sources including those found in the KU library. Post your response to the discussion question early in the learning week (no later than Wednesday), and then make a minimum of two other posts Thursday through Sunday. All discussions are weighted equally and should be of high quality and add to the learning. The discussion exercise closes on Sunday except the last week. Late discussions are not accepted.

Week 8 Discussion Questions

In survey after survey for many years, the fear of public speaking comes out as the number one fear reported by people of all ages.  Why do you think that this is true?  What causes this fear of public speaking?  Can you relate to this as a fear?  What are some techniques that you have seen others use, or that you can find by researching (cite your sources), or that you have tried that helps to overcome this fear?