Human Service Professionals Discussion

Reply:As the human service professional, I am bound by ethical principles and policies of the agency which do not provide monetary assistance to our clients (Martin, 2014). However, I can’t help but contemplate to buy an outfit for a client who truly desires to become self-sufficient. The final decision has been influenced by Kitchener’s model of decision making and ethical principles of the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS). The Kitchener’s model of decision has four assumptions, including, autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. Also, the ethical principles will help arrive at a rationale for the situation.Utilizing The 4 Assumptions of Kitchener’s Model of Ethical Decision-MakingAccording to the first assumption of Kitchener’s model of decision making, non-maleficence, one should avoid harm to others even though it will benefit another. In addition, the non-maleficence assumption links to the cost or benefit ratio where one should strike a balance between the truths, values, and rights of the client (Urofsky, Engels and Engebretson, 2008). I do not want to cause harm to the client, and I believe that the agency should extend some form of monetary assistance to their clients when promoting their clients. Secondly, the assumption of beneficence states that we should act and contribute to the good and welfare of others. Under this principle, one is encouraged to engage in effective and significant research so as to maximize the good of the client. It is thus clear that the agency has contributed to the welfare of the client by offering career assistance. However, in order to maximize the good of the client, I believe it should pay for clothes the client will use at the interview since they cannot afford.The third assumption is the autonomy, which implies that one should have the freedom of action as well as a choice when faced with ethical decision-making dilemmas. Under this assumption, as a human service professional despite being bound by ethical principles or policies of the agency, I have the freedom of choice to purchase outfits for my client using my funds. Justice is the fourth assumption, which is based on the idea of promoting fairness and that all people are equal (Urofsky, Engels and Engebretson, 2008). In this case, the client is not truly equal to others. However, this does not mean that a different treatment can be administered. Hence, I would opt to pay for an outfit or the client to attend interviews even of our agency does not provide monetary assistance.Following the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) Ethical PrincipleOn the other hand, my rationale for the decision has considered all the ethical principles in the National Organization of Human Services. (NOHS). These principles involve keeping in mind the professional rules, codes, and policies of the agency I work for as well as NOHS. According to these principles, my rationale decision was motivated by the facts of the situation whereby the client cannot afford to purchase clothes and want to be self-sufficient. Also, I would not condone my course of action if someone else made similar decisions. In addition, I would be willing to subject my decision to public scrutiny and defend it. Also, I would be able to treat other clients the same, and however, if the client is financially capable, I would make a different decision irrespective of known status or influence (Robson, Cook, Hunt, Alred and Robson, 2000). After following the NOHS ethical principle, the outcome of my course of action to buy an outfit for the client would be positive and applicable in a similar future situation.ConclusionAs a professional employee dealing with clients, one is often faced with dilemma situations that may have to contemplate a course of actions. Based on ethical principles and policies of the firm, you work for the rationale of the final decision should be justified. Also, it should be easily subjected to public scrutiny and applicable universally in similar situation. On the other hand, based on Kitchener’s model of decision making, the decision should meet the assumption of the model. They include non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy, and justice. Discussion-One of the biggest issues in these situations relates to caseloads. In fact, Martin (2014) has pointed out that professional caseloads can be a huge issue. You could have 29 or more other clients in the same exact circumstances.  You couldn’t possibly buy them all something.  Those co-workers you are thinking about asking, likely have 30 or more of the same clients too.  Not trying to be overly negative here, it’s just that I’m a realist.  I like to project what experience has taught me you will actually face.  All of these types of situations are hard to deal with.  The bottom line is that you always want to know what the ethical codes for your occupation say as well as what your agency rules are.  Knowing those two things will keep you employed.ReferenceMartin, M.E. (2014) Introduction to Human Services: Through the eyes of practice settings (3rd Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Ethc 445 week 1 to 8 discussions

Week 1 Hi Class,
The study of what is moral and what actions we are taking is known as moral philosophy, this situation the subjective moral relativist viewpoint would depend on the individual as different cultures/societies have different moral codes (Rachels, 2019).Since this procedure is considered normal in the doctor’s culture, he finds nothing ethically repugnant with it. I understand why this procedure is normal in certain cultures, however, I do not agree with it.
Week 2 Religion and Ethics
1. What would a divine command ethicist say is the moral thing to do here? Why would they say that? Do you agree with the divine command ethics? Why or why not?
2. Evaluate what a natural law ethicist would say is right to do. Do you agree with them? Why or why not?
3. Given what you said are the right things to do, what would an emotivist say about your positions and judgments? What role does subjectivity play here in determining what is ethical?
Week 3: Self and Others
· What is a time when you or someone you know of experienced a conflict between duty to self and loyalty to the community?
· What would logical reasoning say should be done in that case? Why that? What would an Ethical Egoist say to do? Why would they say to do that? Note what you feel is the best course of action.
Week 4: Utilitarianism
Option 1: You are a nurse on a floor with only elderly patients. Every day, each patient tells you about how much pain they are in and asks you to help them. They want you to inject them with something to end their lives. If the patients die, the beds on that floor would be freed up for other patients. The hospital is at 100 percent capacity. There is no other hospital for 30 miles. Other patients may be not receiving care due to a lack of free beds. What is the moral thing to do here? Why is that the moral thing to do? What would a utilitarian say is the moral thing to do? Why would they say that? Compare and contrast the utilitarian approach with that of an ethical egoist or social contact theorist
What is the moral thing to do here?
Why is that the moral thing to do? Why would they say that?
What would a utilitarian say is the moral thing to do?
Compare and contrast the utilitarian approach with that of an ethical egoist
Week 5: Kant’s Ethics and Our Duty
1. What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side given a contemporary debate, such as those concerning animal rights, stem cell research, abortion, the death penalty, and so forth?
2. Elaborate in detail the ethical positions arrived at by using the Kantian categorical imperative relative to the long-standing debate surrounding the death penalty or abortion. Argue the ethics from the point of view of the prisoner or from the fetus
Week 6: Caring About Feminism
Given the modern usage of digital networks and the evolution of information storage, new moral issues often arise in response to these circumstances. Since medical records were stored on paper, they were easily destroyed due to fraud or system disruptions such as fires and information loss. Some issues result in data loss, such as bringing photos to screens via cell phones or other methods that bypass security barriers and possibly leak confidential information, which is why health workers should be explicit about ethical standards.
Week 7: Virtuous Person, Virtuous Citizen
Week 8: Contemplation and Consideration
· Create a personal ethical philosophy and explain from which philosophy or philosophies (it must include at least one of the following: virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, or social contract ethics) you created it and why the contents are important and meaningful for you. List its precepts.
· Take your personal ethical philosophy statement and use it to work through John Doe’s case. What is moral and immoral per your theory? How would the veil of ignorance or a different theory of justice address John Doe’s case?

Ll | Applied Sciences homework help

 3 to 4 double-spaced pages, Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Paper and references should follow APA format. Paper should be written in 1st person. 

Visit the Test Yourself for Hidden Bias on the Learning for Justice website (formerly Teaching Tolerance)Links to an external site.. (results attached)

Read the information provided regarding “Stereotypes and Prejudices”.
After reading the information, complete the Race Implicit Association Test (Race IAT) and at least two (2) additional Implicit Association TestsLinks to an external site..(results attached)

After completing the tests, write a reflection paper that:

Describes at least two new pieces of information you learned about hidden bias, prejudice, stereotyping, stigma, or discrimination as a result of reviewing the information and taking the tests.
How this new information helped you better understand an experience you have had personally or an experience someone else has encountered with hidden bias (write this content in your own words).
Students must reference at least two (2) sources in addition to the course textbook and the Learning for Justice website (formerly Teaching Tolerance)Links to an external site.


Remember, your reflection paper should be written in 1st person. 
Use the APA Style Resources  to help you format your paper and your references. [More clarifying details are also listed below.]
Ensure you complete Race Implicit Association Test (Race IAT)  *and* at least two (2) additional Implicit Association Tests. In other words, you must complete a minimum of 3 IATs.
Within your paper, clearly state that you took the Race IAT and then proceed to write about your results from the Race IAT.
Within your paper, clearly specify the two additional IATs that you completed. For example, you can state something like, “I also completed the ABCD IAT and the LMNO IAT and they provided me with the following feedback…”
In addition to completing the 3 required IATs and describing the results in your paper, your paper must also address the following prompts:

Describe at least two (2) new pieces of information you have learned about hidden bias, prejudice, stereotyping, stigma, or discrimination (as a result of reviewing the material and taking the 3 IATs).
Write, in your own words, how this new information helped you better understand an experience you have had personally or an experience someone else has encountered with hidden bias. Please provide enough context of the “who, what, where, when, why, and how” of the experience you choose to share so you can further describe your enhanced understanding of hidden bias. For example, those scenarios may include an experience wherein:

you felt hidden bias towards someone or
you were the recipient of hidden bias or
you witnessed hidden bias.


Use your course textbook, the Learning for Justice website (formerly Teaching Tolerance)Links to an external site., *and* at least two (2) additional sources (for a minimum of 4 different sources).
In other words, there will be 4 entries on your list of references. You may use more, if you so choose.
In-text citations and sources used (reference page) should be formatted according to APA style.
For more information about in-text citations, refer to Chapter 8 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding ‘Author-Date Citation System’.Links to an external site.
To review formatting and structure of various reference examples, refer to Chapters 9 and 10 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding ‘Reference Examples’Links to an external site..

3 to 4 page limit does NOT include the cover page and the page(s) listing the references. You will not lose points for having cover and reference pages. 

Disscussion | Management homework help

In this discussion, you will examine practical applications of hypothesis testing. Make sure to read the chapter on hypothesis testing before posting. Without understanding the methodology and how to write the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis, you will not be able to complete this discussion.
Successful management is about making decisions to bring about desired change. A manager who has a specific objective will execute an action, hoping that the result will be the achievement of that objective. However, due to the multitude of factors that are in play in any real-life situation, it is difficult to tell if the desired outcome has been achieved or if the new numbers are only due to randomness.
For example, a sales manager implements a bonus system and sees the sales figures go up by 3% in the next month. She claims success, but was this really due to the bonus system or could the increase be the result of random fluctuations, something that would have happened anyway? Can the manager confidently claim that there has been a significant change, something that could not be the result of random fluctuations?
Another example may be where HR is worried there may be a difference between the salaries of men versus women that may need to be corrected. Is the difference between average salaries of the two genders significant, or could it be due to coincidence? Can someone claim there is discrimination at work?
Hypothesis testing settles such questions by analyzing statistical data and is key to managing intelligently. Without these answers, you cannot be sure if the actions you are taking are working out or whether things really are the way you think they are. If you do not know these, how can you know what to do?
For this discussion, describe a key question or claim that may drive important actions from your work, as in the examples above. Follow the template below and answer all questions (using the template below is part of the requirements- you will lose points if you do not follow the template and skip portions of what is being asked):

Describe the key question: What is the key question/claim that needs to be settled? What are the actions being considered based on the possible answers? (For example, the question for the sales manager is whether the bonus system is effective, and the actions are whether to continue the bonus system or not. HR’s question is whether there is discrimination and the action will be adjusting salaries or not.) Without hypothesis testing, how is management deciding on the answer to the question?
What is the variable? How would you set up the hypothesis test? First, pick an appropriate variable to measure the element in question (Note that this must be specific and measurable (countable)). Then, state what the null and alternative hypotheses would be and what kind of a test you would use.
Describe the data you would use: What do you need and where would it come from? Does it need to be collected or does it already exist?
How would you explain to management the significance of this test? How would you convince them that using this is necessary? What would be the drawback of not using a hypothesis test in this situation?

Final project one milestone 2

As you continue on your path to earn a degree in business administration, you will deepen your understanding of how effective management is a crucial aspect of overall business success, especially in today’s complex business world. As business and society continue to evolve, there will continue to be a demand for managers who are able to organize their resources and strategically implement the functions of management to achieve the goals of an organization.
The final paper for the course is divided into two parts: Final Project One and Final Project Two. Both parts of the assessment will focus on decision making and the fundamental principles of management.
In Final Project One, with the help of your instructor, you will select a successful company from the list provided. You will analyze the company’s best practices and effective implementation of the fundamental principles of management. Final Project One is divided into two milestones which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Module Two and Module Three. Final Project One will be submitted in Module Five.
Assignment :
For this assignment, due in Module Three, you will submit a one-to two-page document that will provide a profile of your chosen successful company. This milestone will serve as a rough draft and must cover the six critical elements described in Part II of Prompt I. You are expected to provide a minimum of two to three sentences for each of the six critical elements: mission and vision, strategic management plan, organizational culture, decision making, principle of ethics, and human resources. Instructor feedback should be applied to your Final Project One submission.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Profile of a Successful Company

Explain how the company has communicated its mission and vision within the organization. In other words, explain how the company demonstrates the importance of the mission and vision to employees and other stakeholders.
Identify the role that management played in helping this company execute its strategic management plan. Justify your response. You could consider including a specific example of a time when this management plan led the company to success.
Describe how management has helped to positively influence the organizational culture within this company. You could consider using some specific examples, actions, or strategies that show how management has positively influenced organizational culture.
Explain management’s pivotal role in the decision-making process within this company. Be sure to include specific decisions made by management based on principles of ethics. You could discuss specific decision-making models used by the company that may have helped the company be successful.
Evaluate how the use of the functions of management within this company has adhered to the principles of ethics. You could consider how using the functions of management while adhering to the principles of ethics may have impacted the employees of the company.
Explain how this company strategically uses human resources to develop its personnel. You could consider how this use of human resources has enhanced the company’s business processes.

What to Submit
Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Business research for decision making unit 5 db & (peer responses)

Graduate Programs Discussion Boards
Discussion Boards (DB) are a key component of online learning. They foster active participation of learners and dialogue with fellow learners and instructors. Graduate-level courses require learners to create original posts to course DBs and to engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the course. Original posts and responses should be substantive, and if references are made to the works of others, APA guidelines for in-text citations and references apply.
Minimum Weekly DB Expectations

Post an original and thoughtful Main Post to the DB prompt.
Respond to at least 2 other posts from learners and/or the instructor (Response Posts).
The first contribution (Main Post or Response Post) must be posted before midnight (Central time) on Friday of each week.
Two additional responses are required after Friday of each week.
For DB assignment prompts with a Part One and Part Two, Part One should be addressed in the first week of the unit with a Main Post and minimum of 2 Response Posts, and Part Two should be addressed in the second week of the unit with a Main Post and a minimum of 2 Response Posts.

More on DBs
At the end of each unit, DB participation is assessed based on level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion. DBs allow learners to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB are accepted after the end of the unit. Learners must demonstrate an appropriate depth of understanding of course content to receive credit for having submitted substantive posts. Typically, this is achieved with 3–4 strong paragraphs for Main Posts and 2–3 strong paragraphs for Response Posts.
In today’s business environment, it is essential to not only understand the necessity of strategic decision making and planning but to also be able to integrate them into competitive strategies.  
This discussion has three parts:

 What are the components of competitive strategy?  Within competitive strategy what is the relevance of a value change framework?  What are the implications for customers and the competition?
 Cooperative strategies are the steps taken by two or more organizations to align strategies and resources to achieve a common goal.  Discuss some considerations that must be taken into consideration when planning a strategic alliance.
 What are the critical factors that are necessary in a joint venture to increase the likelihood of success?

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

Business finance – operations management case study: matrices

Complete a case study of  lululemon (LULU is the ticker symbol). A formal, in-depth case study analysis requires you to utilize the entire strategic management process. Assume you are a consultant asked by the ABC Corporation to analyze its external/internal environment and make strategic recommendations. You must include exhibits to support your analysis and recommendations.
INSTRUCTIONS? Cover page (must include the company name, your name, the date of submission, and areferences page; the document must follow current APA guidelines)? Reference page (follow current APA guidelines)? Matrices, which must be exhibits/attachments in the appendix and not part of the body ofthe analysis (The Strategy Club has excellent templates/examples for exhibits andmatrices).Your paper must include:1. Existing mission, objectives, and strategies.2. A new mission statement (include the number of the component in parenthesis beforeaddressing that component).Great mission statements address these 9 components:? Customers: Who are the firm’s customers?? Products or services: What are the firm’s major products or services?? Markets: Geographically, where does the firm compete?? Technology: Is the firm technologically current?? Concern for survival, growth, and profitability: Is the firm committed togrowth and financial soundness?? Philosophy: What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and ethicalpriorities of the firm?? Self-concept: What is the firm’s distinctive competence or major competitiveadvantage?? Concern for public image: Is the firm responsive to social, community, andenvironmental concerns?? Concern for employees: Are employees a valuable asset of the firm?3. Analysis of the firm’s existing business model.4. SWOT Matrix and Analysis (comes from researching the firm, industry, andcompetitors). It is important to know the difference between causes and effects in theSWOT analysis. Causes are important, not effects. Focus on internal and externalanalysis when completing this matrix. This matrix should be based on research andcontain quantifiable metrics. There should be 8-10 items in each quadrant, withresearch support for each item.5. Once the SWOT Matrix and Analysis is created, construct the TOWS also known asthe Bivariate Strategy Matrix.6. Group Map – create this based on the firm as a whole or a specific SBU, clearlyidentify which method you chose and why.7. Competitive forces analysis, use PESTLE and Porter’s Five Forces as the foundationfor this analysis. Clearly identify the factors that are impacting the firm, research isrequired to support the position taken in your narrative.

Computer science programan solving C Plus Plus Questions

Your goal is to implement an application that reads a file, modify its content, and writes the modification back to the same file. The file includes 2 lines of integers. The first line indicates which integer on the second line has been selected (active). And the second line lists all the integers (maximum of 10).Your application should have a menu that is constantly displayed on the screen (see the menu below). Right below the menu, the program should display list of all integers in the file (second line). Also it should show which integer is currently selected (active).The user should be able to select a menu item by entering its associated key or by pressing one of the indicated extended keys on the keyboard.“Insert” will insert an integer before the selected item and makes the newly inserted item active. The integer is typed by the user. If the list is full, insertion will not be possible. Do not accept incorrect values.“Delete” deletes the active item.“Sort” sorts the list in ascending order. The active item after the sort is same as the active item before the sort.“Select” selects the next item in the list. If the last item is selected, this option selects the first item in the list.“Move Right” moves the selected item one position to right. If the last item is selected, moving right will not be possible. “Move Left” moves the selected item one position to left. If the first item is selected, moving left will not be possible.“Exit” ends the application.Make sure to use the top-down design to break your program to many simpler tasks (at least one function per task). Do not use global variables. Make sure to check the special cases. Example: list is full or list is empty. Your program should copy the content of the file into an array and a variable when you start the program. The program write back the content of the array and the variable into the file when you exit the program. When you are using the program, you should modify the array and variables and not the file. Do not forget to add comments. Menu:Exit “7” or “F1” key

HSB Art Sun Tzus the Art of War & Pre War Situation Elements Poster

please create a post or session based on the documents given.A poster session advertises your research. It combines text and graphics to make a visually pleasing presentation. Typically, a professional poster involves showing your work to numerous researchers at a conference or seminar. In our case, it will take place in one large room and your fellow researchers are your classmates. As viewers walk by, your poster should quickly and efficiently communicate your research. Unlike the fast pace of a slide show or verbal presentation, a Poster Session allows viewers to study and restudy your information and discuss it with you one on one. You should also give a short presentation (or “pitch,” more on that below) on your research every ten or fifteen minutes as viewers cycle through.How to Make a PosterA successful poster is not created overnight. Preparing a well-organized, visually pleasing, eye-catching poster requires you to plan well in advance. First, consider your audience and what type of poster you’ll create. Next, gather your supplies and decide what information to include. Note that you will have to distill/condense your work in some way, because it won’t all fit on the poster (no wall of text, please). From this point, create the text and graphics. Remember to consider how these components work together to project the information you want to share and then format your poster accordingly.Developing your poster’s content may seem like a breeze. After all, you just have to cut and paste parts of your paper onto the board, right? Wrong! To be successful, a poster requires planning how you will depict specific information and providing text and graphics to capture your audience’s attention. The final material that goes on a poster is quite unlike what most researchers and writers generally write for other contexts. The poster session calls for much more attention to visual impact than other forms of writing do. And the restricted space of a poster requires careful condensing of ideas that we would write about at length for other forums.Make the poster following the guidelines and base it on the essay

DU Accounting Corporate Tax Liability & Net Operating Assets Questions

1. Carter Swimming Pools has $16 million in net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT) in the current year. Carter has $13 million in total net operating assets in the current year and had $10 million in the previous year. What is its free cash flow? Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1,200,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.2.Corporate Tax LiabilityThe Talley Corporation had taxable operating income of $490,000 (i.e., earnings from operating revenues minus all operating costs). Talley also had (1) interest charges of $30,000, (2) dividends received of $25,000, and (3) dividends paid of $35,000. Its federal tax rate was 21% (ignore any possible state corporate taxes). Recall that 50% of dividends received are tax exempt.What is the firm’s taxable income? Round your answer to the nearest dollar.$  What is the tax expense? Round your answers to the nearest dollar.$  What is the after-tax income? Round your answers to the nearest dollar.$  3. The Wendt Corporation reported $55 million of taxable income. Its federal tax rate was 21% (ignore any possible state corporate taxes). A. What is the company’s federal income tax bill for the year? Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1,200,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.$ .B . Assume the firm receives an additional $2 million of interest income from some bonds it owns. What is the additional tax on this interest income? Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1,200,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.$  C. Now assume that Wendt does not receive the interest income but does receive an additional $2 million as dividends on some stock it owns. Recall that 50% of dividends received are tax exempt. What is the additional tax on this dividend income? Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1,200,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.$